Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Your Turn

How much money have you spent on Halloween this year?


  1. None. I just looked thru my grandmother closet and dressed in her 70 outfit.

  2. Halloween is in two days, bro. Ask me on Saturday.

    1. Lady H, what are you getting into in SD? I'll be on the 91x Boos Cruise.

    2. @annaannnna
      Hey girl heyyyyyyy
      Oooh that sounds fun but I think that sold out, so not very likely we will have a run in with each other.

      I'm still debating whether to stick with something in North Park area or if I'll trek it to OC. My friend has a beach front house by the Newport pier and that's hard to beat

    3. Hopefully they all show up because I'm working the cruise. Mama needs a new set of tires! I'll be working all weekend, actually. Have fun, whatever you decide to do!

  3. nada

    I just found out an old friend from high school was murdered! I havent seen her in years but so sad. I have known people who died but never murdered. I am in shock. Stalker ex-boyfriend type did it.

    1. @derek that sucks. Pray cycle to her family

    2. Oh, derek, that's horrible! I've known a few people who were murdered and it's shattering. Take care, okay?

    3. My condolences Derek.

    4. My best friend from elementary school's husband slit her throat when she gave him divorce papers, then he slit his own. It was very shocking and tough to see her family after so many years at her funeral. Sorry you are going through this.

    5. Woah. That's awful. Is killer in custody?

    6. I'm sorry Derek. I don't even know what to say. No words.

  4. How much is a bottle of two-buck chuck? That's how much I've spent.

  5. Yikes. So sorry to hear that Derek. Peace to all involved.

    Zero so far, but I'm going haunted housing this week sometime.

    1. @jessie me too. I'm stay at my aunt house in Salem, Massachusetts. They have like crazy haunted houses in the village. Kind scare lol.

  6. sorry to hear that Derek its not fun finding out a POS murdered a girl because she once broke up with him.

  7. $0. My youngest is 14 and I have to work. I am putting together a costume for my bf who has to dress up for a gig. He has most of it, I'm dressing him as a cat burglar, so he's wearing all black with a stocking cap, then I'll give him a cat carrier with stuffed cats inside. He will have fake scratches and furballs everywhere, you know cats won't go easily.

  8. I didn't add I know from experience^^^

  9. Y'all are a bunch of Halloween Grinches!!!! I've spent about $30, but thinking I might need more.

    1. No way, now that my girls are older I want to start being one of the cool houses to visit. This year I have to work but next year it's on

    2. I had Halloween parties for two different groups of kids last weekend (it was supposed to be three, but the 13-year old forgot to invite anyone but her best friend. *shrug*) So we can start with $200 for the bounce house, $45 worth of Papa Murphys, probably another $40 on soda, juice boxes and bottled water. I let all four of our kids pick their favorite candy and bought two bags of each, plus some other candy (won't count the Reese's, since I ate all of them.) Goodie bag for the little kids. Three bags of apples that I wound up taking to work, because no one wanted to leave the bounce house to bob for apples..... tons of homemade cupcakes....

      And I still need to buy candy to pass out for Halloween.....

  10. Thanks everyone. Her name was Liz Nugent. Google Liz Nugent under news if interested or perhaps if someone could provide a link---she was BEAUTIFUL and full of life.

    1. Deteck-heres wishing your friend a good journey and a peaceful rest.

    2. You aren't lying, just beautiful. How awful

    3. RIP Liz Nugent
      What a beautiful young woman. There are just no words.

    4. So sorry :( I saw this on the news the other night (from Toronto) but they weren't giving many details at the time. Truly awful.

  11. $0. I've been a pirate for 20 years now.

  12. $10 on bags of candy, but it's supposed to rain on Friday, so I might wind up sitting at home eating it all by myself!

  13. Oh about $25 for candy and pretzel bags.

  14. About $22, for pumpkins and candy for the 'weeners.

  15. thanks Lady H

    Domestic violence etc---any readers in that situation NEED TO GET OUT and talk to the police and do whatever you can to avoid a scenario like this because you may be next!

  16. I am actually going "Drink or Treating" with the current Mr. Lurker--and adult only party at our local watering I needed a costume. $50--yikes!.

    The Ex-Mr. Lurker had Little Lurker for our village's Halloween (we always have it the Saturday before the holiday and the whole town goes nuts) and he didn't take her to it, but she is 13, so I don't think she cares that much.

  17. Sarah- You costume for the man is hilarious!!! Loving the scratches..

    Derek and others my deepest sympathies for those who've lost a loved one especially to violence. Just awful!

  18. I'm going today to get the goods.
    I'm having Chili and pumpkin carving here tomorrow for family members - all adult. And I have to get the gift bags ready for the neighbors kidlets. And a bowl for the general munchkins. Prob $100 min. Oh. Us I want to make the glow stick in a white baloon ghost irs to hang from trees. $115. Mani pedi in Orange. Now $155.
    I better get to work work.

  19. @Derek, sorry to hear about your friend.

    I've spent $35, $25 on candy and $10 on a Boo bag for the game we play in the neighborhood.

  20. Hmmm.... $12 on decorations. $6 pumpkin. $20 on kids costume. $9 on my cape, gonna be maleficient. Haven't bought candy yet. So $47 right now.

  21. The story regarding Liz is disgusting. He had her at gun point for hours and requested the police to get him a Hawaiian Pizza while he was pointing a gun at her!

  22. Nothing. We don't even celebrate it.

  23. NOTHING!

    Granted on November 1st, I'll be buying plenty cheap candy.

  24. @Derek-damn i'm really sorry-that's tragic.You just LITERALLY exemplified how life can change in a minute..damn.

    @MeanieR,you've known a few?? shit.
    I forgot the question...really.

  25. Thank You @Lady H.-I just read article, but why 2nd degree murder? i'm just thinking out loud,no answer requested.

    1. @rolo: Like Sandy said, it's easier to prove 2nd degree murder than 1st degree because of considerations often linked to criminal intent and foreseeability.

      My guess it that the 2nd degree charge is because it will probably play out like a "crime of passion" or because he may have some mental health considerations etc

  26. @The Real Dragon, you TOTALLY win- the Koooolest place to be on Hallow's Eve!
    -One of the Scariest Movies I EVER saw was on Creature Feature called "Horror Hotel" & it took place in Salem-sounds cheezy...terrifying & NOT @ A HOTEL @ALL!-
    Also, "The Haunting"


    What's Your Favorite Scary Movie??

    (unless Enty has already asked this cuz I'm not caught up on CDaN)

  28. No. Enty's questions lately are mainly focused on food.

  29. We took one of the kids camping at the renaissance festival since this weekend was their all hallow's eve weekend. So between costumes, camping, and general spending... ~$300 We're also going to a day of the dead party saturday so you can throw another $75 on top of that.

  30. Awww I am so jealous Dragon! I love Salem. Never have been there in October though. It's definitely on my bucket list. Have fun!

    Rolo: My favorite scary movie is The Changeling and The Others. Subtle horror over violence is my kind of thing.

  31. Zero. I'm too old to dress up and we don't get trick or treaters.

  32. $30 on my son's costume, $20 on candy (probably didn't buy enough).

    My favorite scary movie is silver bullet. Scared the bejezus out of me as a kid.

  33. I'm going to Gayeld's for Halloween!

    Same costume for years, I have it down pat, so the only money spent is $23.75 on candy. SO bought the good stuff and I made him hide it b/c I am powerless against dark chocolate peanut butter cups.

    Derek, so sorry to hear about your friend and her douchenozzle boyfriend. I hope they throw the book at him. She looked so happy in that pic. :/

  34. Two of the scariest movies that up set me profoundly werent even horror movies. They are In Cold Blood and Deliverence. Deliverence- i cld not get that rape scene out of my head or even scarier, that hand coming up out the water at the end. Shudder! In Cold Blood, i cld not get over the dispassionate way these innocent people were murdered for absolutely no teason. Both still creep me out, and i saw them like 35 yrs ago!

  35. rolo second degree murder is easier to get convictions for. crimes of passion are that, first degree murder is premeditated and harder to prove, see that fucking whore Casey Anthony.

  36. My mom and sister have to buy 1000 pieces of candy bc they live in town. Mom also buys doggy bisquits for the dogs :)

  37. $100 on candy - we get a ton of trick or treaters
    $20 decorations
    $55 for additional costume items

  38. TOO MUCH! I upgraded some of my lights,I bought a bunch of candy, and I bought 50 Glo-Lite necklaces to hand out. I like Halloween the best of all the holidays! :)

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. First, Derek, sorry to hear about your friend. I've had a family member murdered (by her brother) and it's something that hits you out of nowhere.

    As for the question, about $120. We don't get trick or treaters here so I just buy for my nieces and my nephews (the newest nephew was born two months ago) so I buy them gifts instead of candy. The nieces wanted ukeleles and the older nephew got some Super Hero figures and a few outfits for the youngest one.

    They look at it as a prelude to Christmas and it helps everyone because they get their big gifts and don't ask for anything until Christmas. Plus I love spoiling them lol

  41. About $20 for my daughter's costume, and my candy was free! (With a $200 food purchase. I've got enough makings for a month. *L*)
