Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Blind Item #2

You can't set in motion a series of events that will have this married A list talk show host's long time hookup be shown the door and not expect to have something happen, especially after the talk show host just signed a huge deal. Who do you think is going to win that battle? It is a surprising amount of loyalty but after being burned by the college student he has decided to stick with what he knows except for his wife of course.


  1. sandybrook10:47 PM

    Stephen Colbert :)

  2. ^^both excellent guesses

  3. Is this Lauer and Natalie Morales (she just got fired)?

  4. Randarenee11:05 PM

    Lauer and Morales for sure!

  5. gadzooks2:14 AM

    Morales not fired, the GM who was trying to get rid of them got fired (after only 2 months on the job).

  6. Megley2:24 AM

    Not Colbert. He's too Catholic.

  7. Megley2:26 AM

    Lauer and Morales. Morales and Geist WERE fired, but now that is up in the air because the guy who fired them got fired himself. Rumor is that Geist may go to CBS and Morales to ABC.
