Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Blind Item #5

This B- list mostly television actor has a name that makes you think of old movies or even the silent era. Openly gay after years of publicly hiding, our actor with the various famous friend and very famous enemy probably has a new enemy after he cheated on his significant other with an older teen who is about a third our actor's age.


  1. Stephie11:54 PM

    Wentworth Miller

  2. Wasn't be linked to Luke McFarlane, who was also rumored to have been with Jake Gyllenhaal?

  3. west seattle mommy12:20 AM

    Where is everyone ?? This site has gotten me thru the work day for a few years now and I love reading the comments. So I hope this new format works out.

  4. The new design doesn't work well with feedly, which is where I view it. Overall, the site is super buggy and the design looks to have gone back to 1996.

  5. it's clearly George Takei. The feud is with Shatner. He's an older man, so hooking up with someone 'a third his age' makes a lot of sense.

  6. NoName12:57 AM

    @westseattlemommy, everyone is at This new format is so hard to use that someone has created an easier site to navigate.

  7. CrashDiego12:59 AM

    It's Takei


  8. reallytho1:42 AM

    I HATE this new format. It is an eyesore for one, it's way too busy. Second, it is VERY hard to navigate. For the love of God PLEASE do something about it. I used to check your site several times a day....since this new bad format, I was on twice yesterday and got frustrated trying to navigate. It looks BAD. Switch to old format, or at least something similiar.Have a nice day.

  9. Kevin Spacey?

  10. I agree with most people's comments that the new format sucks. I used to check this site multiple times a day, now I struggle to check it every other day.

  11. Boo hoo and bye bye2:37 AM

    Long time reader and sometimes cranky poster. This will be my last post---I hate this new format! I've been trying to get used to it but I cant. It is a pain as bad as Goopy. I will not be visiting this site ever again. hoo and bye bye, been nice knowing y'all.
