Sunday, November 09, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 8, 2014

This actor used to be A list. Actually, if you include his franchise, which is all he really did, he was probably A+ list. Movies. On top of the world. Started spending money and doing drugs like crazy. He blew millions of dollars on women and booze and drugs and ended up having a stroke. A bad one. Drug related. The story has always been that he just didn't want to act any longer. Nope. He couldn't. He couldn't remember lines and he had a speech issue and he had trouble with his physical movements. When he was all set to make a comeback in another installment of his franchise he did physical therapy for almost a year before they started shooting, but it just wasn't quite the same. He looked ok, but his timing was off and he couldn't do the same things he did before. He did get a huge paycheck though. Monstrous and blew a lot of it on drugs again and had another stroke. This time he vowed to never use drugs again and is slowly regaining his old form. He has a new woman in his life who also is his sober coach. Our actor is still really young, so hopefully he can get it all together and be back on top like he used to be.

Chris Tucker


  1. TanGyal12:12 AM

    Wow...that's a good reveal. Still despise the new site design though...

  2. I love how 43 for a guy is "still really young" but for an actress it is "aging" : )

  3. mbagrrrl12:16 AM

    Loved him in Silver Linings Playbook. I think he can come back.

  4. Princess Demandy-Pants12:35 AM

    Oh wow. That is very sad.

  5. Now I want to watch "Silver Linings Playbook!" I didn't know he was in it.

  6. StarrAnt1:42 AM

    Oh damn...this one actually surprised me, and that doesn't happen often.

  7. sandybrook2:21 AM

    it took quite while but ^5 to The 10th Doctor who finally got it. Lotsa people thought my Brenden Fraser guess was right but noooo...

  8. The 10th Doctor2:35 AM

    Thanks Sandybrook. I only ever chime in with my guesses when I'm really sure--so you know, not often! Hahaha. Been here since the early days.

  9. That's a good one. Hope he's ok. Talented guy

  10. Zappaz3:52 AM

    Loved him in 5th Element. I wish him the best.

  11. it took forever5:21 AM

    wow, didnt even think of him. Good job 10th doctor

  12. NateM5:32 AM

    Ended up having a stroke. A bad one. Drug "related. The story has always been that he just didn’t want to act any longer. Nope. He couldn’t. He couldn’t remember lines and he had a speech issue and he had trouble with his physical movements. "

    I guess no one could understand the words coming out of his mouth

  13. flowerpower7:09 AM

    So sad to hear about this. Loved him in Jackie Chan's movies - they made quite a team! Hope he makes a full and complete recovery. BTW, love your new site design Enty! :o)

  14. Ginger Belvoir11:34 AM

    He must be doing better because I just read on his IMDB profile that they are planning to film Rush Hour 4. Still, seems like his odds of success are low. Hollywood has Kevin Hart to fill the type of role that Chris Tucker used to play. And if he has continuing problems from the stroke, his acting days may be behind him. Sad.
