Saturday, November 15, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #3- Anniversary Month

May 16, 2008

This one hurts because I would have never thought of this B list film actress as a home wrecker. She has always been a favorite. B list film actress sounds so generic now doesn't it? How about we make (#1) gorgeous and aging, but not old. How about someone who is taken seriously as an actress but is definitely not shy about showing off her body. OK, so on the set of her new film she and her female co-star (#2)who was once a B list actress and is now closer to C, but is well known and made her reputation from basically one television show and one serious boyfriend, were bonding and talking smack about the other cast members. At some point they both started talking about our B-/C+ actor (#3) who is doing this film but is known much more for two great television roles on two great television shows. OK, they were both good shows, but I only liked one. Turns out that #3 had hit on both #1 and #2 and #2 was discussing how she would never do anything with him because #3 has a long term girlfriend (#4) who used to be A list and just kind of wanders from role to role now. #2 was looking to #1 for agreement that it was wrong to sleep with #3, and #1 confessed that she had been sleeping with #3 since the third day of filming and that #3 was going to leave #4 for #1. #2 and #1 haven't spoken to each other since.

Heather Graham/Lara Flynn Boyle/John Corbett/Bo Derek


  1. Violet12:32 AM

    lord, that was complicated. John and Bo still together now though aren't they? Teamaiden forever.

  2. sandybrook12:35 AM

    Yes I think they are Violet and Lara has NOT aged well at all.

  3. RahRah12:39 AM

    Does Lara have room to judge? Just curious; it does seem that she stays with one guy for quite sometime, and she strikes me as OG sisters before misters.

  4. The 10th Doctor12:39 AM

    Movie was Baby on Board and according to Wiki, had a pretty lame plot.

  5. Princess Demandy-Pants12:46 AM

    Oh snap! Good for LFB. Quite a pity about her face.

  6. Oh Heather, and you believed him? Who is the dumb one now?

  7. El Materdor1:28 AM

    Heather looks good but I have to agree about Lara. She's a mess.

  8. Erin B1:32 AM

    In situations like Lara, I wonder if she could do it all over again, would she opt for the surgery, fillers, etc. or just age gracefully? Good on her though for keeping her legs shut for a taken dude. Makes me respect him a bit less. In 2008, it would've been a pretty hot threesome though.

  9. Heather also is quite similar to Bo Derek in ways too and has Lara been knocked back from the new Twin Peaks because of her looks?

  10. Lol!!!what a comic exchange that had to be. Bad form though , heather. Entertaining cheaters and 'shitting where you eat'. Not smart at all.karma will catch up with her.

  11. jubia8:07 AM

    I actually worked as an extra for "Baby on Board" and had the pleasure of meeting Heather Graham and Jerry O'Connell. I was stretching out my legs and Jerry came up and started a conversation with me about how he got started as an extra and I should keep at it. I explained to him that I was only there as a favor. (I had a friend who worked for the extra agency and was seriously low on volunteers for a 6am shoot on a Saturday.) Heather Graham then walked up and introduced herself, and complimented my Icelandic designer coat. The 3 of us then had a nice chat about music. They were both very nice and seemingly normal people., so it's a pity to hear this.

  12. The 10th Doctor8:50 AM

    What a nice story, jubia. Thanks for sharing. I've never seen the movie but like I said in my comment, the wiki description makes the movie sound not so good. Being in set as an exra, how was it, actually?

  13. it took forever11:54 PM

    derek is like only 4 years older than johnbut comes across much older than him in photos,

  14. Damn I thought she was much older :)
