Sunday, November 23, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #3- Anniversary Month

February 5, 2010

This aging A list Academy Award winner/nominee actor loves when his teen children have girls come over to the house. Our actor spends the entire time they are there in a bathrobe and Speedo. No matter the time of day or the time of year.

Warren Beatty


  1. Shandy12:47 AM

    and wife Anne Bening is just fine with that? ...Uh huh, sure she is. That makes 2 probable fake blinds in a row.

  2. How delusional are these men to think that young girls would be impressed by that and I guess the speedos are for giving the saggy nuts a lift

  3. Princess Demandy-Pants1:31 AM

    Quite delusional. And now I'm slightly miffed that I didn't choose "saggy nut lifter" for a user name.

  4. Haha :):) :)

  5. gossipy3:06 AM

    What is delusional is thinking Warren Beatty ever really changed and pretty sure he is not the only father hanging out at the pool when the teenage children bring their friends over, getting a good gawk at the young girls in bikinis if nothing else, I guess looking ain't a crime or trying to get complaints from teenagers oh Mr. Beatty you are still hot....cough cough

  6. it took forever4:37 AM

    Warren still is a whore, just because he got married doesn't mean his dick stopped working. Even Halle Berry was sleeping with him, am sure annette knows alllll about it

  7. Fritanga5:40 AM

    Yes. For years, a long time after he was considered a "piece," Beatty would make films and they'd have to shoot him through concrete (Dick Tracy, Love Affair, Bullworth). He couldn't let go of the idea of himself as an object of female desire.

    Yeah I'm sure all those teen friends of his daughter aren't making gagging motions behind his back. They don't even know who the hell he is. What he is is delusional, though. And imagine how embarrassed his kid must be.
