Sunday, November 16, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 21, 2014

This A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee told her soon to be ex-husband that she wanted the kids this weekend. He agreed, but will be ticked off when he finds out she left them with a nanny so she could hook up with one of her exes instead.

Gwyneth Paltrow


  1. Princess Demandy-Pants1:07 AM

    Hmmm...I wonder which ex went back to the Well of Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.

  2. Okay...1:55 AM

    a hookup doesnt take that long. i see no problem here.

  3. sandybrook2:10 AM

    ^5 to Sugartits who got this easy one right away

  4. El Materdor2:43 AM

    Girl has needs, so I don't have a problem w this. I'm sure Chris knows this

  5. Lady Heisenberg2:44 AM

    Way to go to mah @sugartitties!

    And to erase the Goop residue from memory...
    Here is Puppies Vs Stairs - its healing powers of cuteness are beyond words

    Have a great day CDaN!

  6. it took forever2:57 AM

    goop is like a permanent inner circle joke in hollywood, remember when bullock ask the photograper how much goop was paid for allowing him to take apple's picture and he told her he dont think she was paid, sandra then said ur full of shit and the photo graper just laughed, BTW bitch was paid . goop has her head up in the clouds
