Monday, November 24, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 27, 2014

This almost A list mostly television actor from a very hit cable show was up to his old tricks again this weekend. Out of his mind drunk there were no breasts he refused to try and grope or butts to grab. There is nothing he loves more than an open bar and groupies.

Norman Reedus


  1. sandybrook1:43 AM

    someone should teach him how to shower.

  2. Your wasting him for me Enty

  3. Bitchpuhleeze2:13 AM

    This used to be one of my favourite sites-I can't believe how wrong it has gone! It's a spam overload, none of these ads are targeted. I have no idea what to click on any more, it's a mess! I'm sorry to say that I'll no longer be logging on here.

    Enty-I know the complaints are probably getting boring but you need to listen to your supporters! I truly hope this site isn't the end of CDAN.
