Saturday, November 08, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 7, 2014

This former A list reality star from a cable franchise who was passed over for the most recent run is finalizing a deal to have a residency at a Nevada brothel. She will be there a week and is calling it research.

Farrah Abraham


  1. sandybrook2:23 AM

    Farrah abraham

  2. sandybrook2:25 AM

    sorry my hand hit the button. Farrah Abraham has her hands in so many failing projects she probably won't be a good whore either

  3. emmalinasaurus5:10 AM

    Why is she so afraid to be a nobody and get a job. Y'know, support her child the normal way. Without porn and whoring. What is her damage?

  4. sandybrook6:27 AM

    Bitch has no intelligence or job -worthy skillz.
