Sunday, November 30, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #6

June 5, 2014

This A list singer might be a newlywed but it hasn't stopped them from cheating right before the wedding and shortly after. Things never end well for this singer.

Melissa Etheridge


  1. it took forever3:00 AM

    i hated how she treated her first wife

  2. Flirtychick3:24 AM

    I ran with a bunch of women who were like this years ago. One woman lost here marriage to one of the country's most prominent families because of this. Your jaw would seriously drop if you knew. She found someone wealthy to marry the end so she's not hurting. A woman. The marriage before was a man. Plenty of money and is frequently in the news.

    Anyway I'm not surprised.

  3. Things end well for her but not for the people she's with. So sick of her.

  4. Sooooo who is it? lol

  5. it took forever10:40 AM

    @flirtychick, dont do this to us, spill the beans

  6. QueenSafavi12:09 AM

    Eh, she's an über bitch and I hope Karma kicks her good and hard in the puss.
