Saturday, November 15, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #7- Anniversary Month

June 9, 2008

This one is stranger than Slash's mom having sex with David Bowie while Bowie's wife and kid wait in the living room for them to finish.

This former B list television actor on one of the biggest network dramas ever, and now a C list actor with B+ name recognition has some strange rules in his home. He and his wife have kids.

1. Apparently both of the parents are obsessed with germs and bugs (the insect kind, not the germ kind.) Each child must inspect the other children for any ticks or fleas on the body of the other before they go to sleep each night.

2. Each child must wash and dry all their bed linens every day.

3. No sugar in the house. None.

4. The parents take turns sleeping on the floor of each child's bedroom once weekly to ensure the children are sleeping normally. (not sure how they do this if the parents themselves are asleep)

5. Despite the fact that all the children are in at least elementary school, they each have a baby monitor in their room so the parents know what they are doing at all times.

6. Because of the germ phobia, any guests of the kids who come over to play are confined to one room of the house, and one room only. No sleep overs.

Blair Underwood


  1. Violet1:33 AM

    Slash's mum had sex with St David? which wife? the first one?

  2. sandybrook1:45 AM

    Its most likely Iman Violet given when Slash became famous in the 90s and could associate with Bowie.

  3. Violet1:53 AM

    in that case i can't believe it. David B and Iman gave me faith in celebrity marriages.

  4. Princess Demandy-Pants1:57 AM

    Slash's mom would have been how old at that point, though? I understand that Bowie is fairly indiscriminate but...

  5. Violet2:01 AM

    i can't see any of the original comments for this blind. anyway, Bowies daughter would have been 10/11 in 2008? And she sat in the next room waiting for her dad? no. It was either in his drug addled 1970s days or not at all.

  6. sandybrook2:06 AM

    I was just reading up on Slash. His mom was African American and was a costume designer for Bowie. She was born in 1946 so from her late 40s to early 50s was her age when this happened and she died in 2009.

  7. It dosen't actually say when they had sex and could have been before slash was born or when he was a kid, depending on the period she worked for him. As for the blind its sad they have compulsions but it will have such a big impact on the adults they will be

  8. Princess Demandy-Pants2:15 AM

    Go Slash's mom!

  9. Princess Demandy-Pants2:16 AM

    It really is. Even if half of this is true, those poor kids - my heart aches for them.

  10. Frufra3:05 AM

    I enjoy calling him Blair Underwear. And it sounds like they're crazier than a shithouse mouse.

  11. Yeh too crazy to consider their kids future welfare..

  12. Frufra3:12 AM

    yves, I'm in education and my hubby's in law enforcement. There are a whole lot of people who are too crazy to consider their kids' future. But there are a whole lot of helpers out there, too. It's cliche because it's true - you don't have to pass any test to have a kid.

  13. Nah, it was Angie (the child being Duncan). Slash's mother was in with the music scene as she was a costumer for Bowie back in the 70s, and his father designed album covers.

  14. Slash has discussed it in interviews. He said he walked in on them when he was about 8. It was way pre Iman.

  15. Skippy4:45 AM

    Yep Mo, way pre Iman. Slash has been around since the early 80's.

  16. Wait! Slash/Bowie story really happened? Wtf?! Weirder than all get out..

    Underwood story is not that bad actually. Some people are consumed by extreme phobias and it makes them a little strange. I dont see how that's remotely comparable to the slash story. Wowsers

  17. theoriginalbellaluna7:16 AM

    Damn, how anal can a couple be? (Don't answer that. )

  18. it took forever11:30 PM

    david bowies is such a ho, the marriage with iman lasts because she knows this and accepts this, he sleeps with both men and women and whether she likes it or not she has to acept it, BAM happy marriage

  19. it took forever11:37 PM

    i think something happened in one of the parents life , something they saw or read about those damn bugs that has made them have that irrational fear

  20. C'est Moi3:50 AM

    I know Blair, I know his wife, I know his kids, I know their nanny. I've known them for about 10 years. This doesn't sound like them at all. They are all really normal, including the kids, who are very sweet. My son has played with the two older kids, and I know a couple of kids who have spent the night.
