Thursday, November 27, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #7

July 29, 2014

I guess she is still a B list celebrity. It is her look more than anything that used to keep her in the spotlight, but her act is wearing thin. She thinks she is some kind of royalty though and at a party she hosted she held out her hand when introduced to people and would only smile if they kissed her hand. It was so strange. She even had a mini-throne she was seated in most of the day.

Pippa Middleton


  1. parissucksliterally3:01 AM

    She needs to get the fuck over herself. She is not pretty, and no one gives a flying fuck about her.

  2. Dudette3:03 AM

    I don't know why people love Pippa so much, she's always been this way, by many accounts. She apparently was such a snob in college, she would only associate with wealthy upper class types. Their grandmother and mother taught them to be social climbers, so that's what they are.

  3. Penelope3:12 AM

    Soo....people actually kissed her hand?

  4. I would have bit her hand off

  5. it took forever7:31 AM

    sister envy it seems

  6. The 10th Doctor12:13 PM

    So an in-law to royals who thinks she's all that and a bag of chips...been that way for thousands of years. They're all social climbers hoping to get a title.

  7. bookjacket8:35 AM

    Why are gossip writers so tone deaf to humor? Granted, you probably had to be there, but how likely is it that the throne and hand-kissing was anything more than a goof? Her sister is going to be Queen-consort one day, so on her birthday her friends make her a throne and have people kiss her hand to tease her. Dumb but not arrogant on her part.
