Monday, November 03, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 21, 2014

This forever A+ list mostly movie actor with multiple Oscar nominations and wins has been telling people in the past couple of weeks that he spent a night with this almost A+ list mostly movie actress who is about a quarter his age. She thought it would help her career and it definitely hasn't hurt.

Jack Nicholson/Jennifer Lawrence


  1. sandybrook2:36 AM

    this was revealed more than once

  2. Tricia132:37 AM

    Now that's a good reveal Enty!!!

  3. claudea2:38 AM

    Waaaaaah 0_o juicy reveal!

  4. shelly shell2:43 AM

    hmm, Jack "supports/mentors" several young models/actresses, including Jan Jones, who's talked about him in interviews.

  5. Get some.

  6. KevinA2:48 AM

    Do have one question: At this point, how is he going to help her career? Or is this pre-SLP?

    Also, :vomit:.

  7. Sully2:51 AM

    How would sleeping with Nicholson help anyone's career? It's not the 70s.

  8. That whore!

  9. Yeah thats on the juice-o-meter.

  10. camille2:57 AM

    Omg and eww.

  11. simon2:57 AM

    Hard to picture that one..

  12. Viagra is a helluva drug.

    Filed under "not with a borrowed vaj"

  13. AndrewBW3:15 AM

    Can Jack do anything for my career? 'Cause right now it's dead in the water.

  14. Penelope3:16 AM

    EWwwwwww! OTOH, he may be telling people that but I'm not so sure it actually happened.

  15. Its Just U3:21 AM

    Meh. At least she was legal. He gets what he wants and she gets what she wants.

  16. Woohoo! Got the picture up!

  17. Jessi3:41 AM

    Yea well my Grandpa use to tell stories that he was on the US diving team! He was probably about Jack's age when that started so...

  18. Tina Mallette3:51 AM

    maybe she wanted some courtside seats to the Lakers game

  19. airhead3:59 AM

    Now that's what I call juice

  20. Tiny Dancer4:00 AM

    Presumably this was after she acted surprised that he hit on her at the Oscars or else she is a better actress than I imagined.

  21. sassycanadachick4:01 AM

    so not as innocent as she seems

  22. He's bragging about it...Doesn't mean she did it.

  23. maxxy7:02 AM

    +1@Penelope "he may be telling people that but I’m not so sure it actually happened."

    +1@PoopyFace "He’s bragging about it…Doesn’t mean she did it."

    I'll definitely need receipts to believe this one. Besides just not being very believable on the surface, Jennifer certainly didn't have to sleep with Jack 'Dirty Old Man' Nicholson to land any roles.

    OT - I sure hope the site is still being developed. It's so user UNfriendly!

  24. Count Jerkula7:06 AM

    Get It JACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I guess now we know who some of them Fappening pics were sent to.

    Good lord, do you realize what this means??? Jack Nicholson almost definitely did coke off JLaw's tits and likely snorted a bump off her cornhole.

    I need to be alone with some of her nude pics and a tube sock full of warm aloe gel.

  25. PirateGirl9:16 AM

    Jack back in the day wasn't bad looking. But now? Would need a lot of rum. A lot.

  26. Pookie Two11:06 AM

    Old Jack has really lost his mind, the dementia rumors must be true. He probably thinks it's 1973 and he just banged Jennifer O'Neill.

  27. nancy1:30 PM

    Don't beleive this

  28. Idriselbasmuse11:14 PM

    I don't know ... I would sleep with Jack, career or no career. Eyes, smile, charisma doesn't have Jack to do with age. It would be great fun!

  29. Such bullshit.

  30. Zappaz12:07 AM

    I'm not sure I believe this one. Jen seems better than this. I love Jack on a professional level and he's been in some of my favorite movies. I don't think I could ever get into bed with him. Eww

  31. Nah, don't buy it. She's got more juice than him at this point.

  32. WHAT?? Uh-oh, guess that means the Count's time here has come to a close...

  33. I don't believe this blind because JLaw had already won an Oscar by this time and was the #1 It girl. How would sleeping with Jack help her career? Is he financing/directing/casting movies that she can't get into? No.

  34. PrincessTurkeyEar12:53 AM

    So, "official" enty folks have orange typeface and everyone else is black?

  35. No, orange text just denotes a link, so people with orange text names have entered a website into the "website" field (along with name and email) when posting a comment. You don't have to put something in that field in order to post your comment, but some people probably think you have to fill out all fields.

  36. Nobody buys this. Well, I certainly think it's possible that Jack has been TELLING people he slept with her, but there's no way he actually did.

  37. astro3:28 AM

    What a bunch of horse manure. But it is just relaying stupid blind gossip so it is libel-proof.

  38. astro3:30 AM

    Here is an idea. Identify a specific source, ensure your blind item is reliable, or shut up. Bye.
