Friday, November 21, 2014

Four For Friday- Traditional

A week from now, I will be about ten percent heavier after 24 hours of Thanksgiving eating. As I have said many times, it is my favorite holiday. All the eating and family and fun without the pressure of gifts and wondering whether people will like them or if you bought enough gifts or forgot someone or ate all their candy while you were stuck in traffic. At some point today the new mobile/tablet/iPad site will be up and running so you can enjoy that all weekend if you care to join me here for more blinds and reveals and any news that happens but on weekends it is usually only arrests and deaths. If you would like to follow me on Feedly there is a button in the upper right. It is green. If you would like to follow me on Twitter I am @entylawyer

#1 - Apparently the wife of this former A+ list mostly television actor who played the same role for a couple of decades found out about the almost $1M home he bought for his eldest daughter. The new wife was ticked. Really ticked because he didn't give similar gifts to their kids and wouldn't let him out of the house for a very important event.

#2 - This former A+ list singer turned barely hanging on to A and maybe at a B will be filing bankruptcy in the next few weeks. She literally has no money left and her lawyers have not been paid and she needs to go on tour for about two years to get back on track.

#3 - This foreign born B- list mostly movie actor who is also an author and comedian and radio host had sex with a woman who has been calling and writing him for almost a year begging to have sex with the B- lister. He even let her spend the day with him.

#4 - This A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner is going to be ticked off when she finds out her bff is sleeping with a guy to get him to finance a project. Our still married A lister has been working that angle for a long time but the guy apparently likes the bff way way more.



  1. sandybrook2:13 AM

    Tom Green

  2. LOL...yeah, Kelsey wasn't at the GG event!

  3. figgy2:25 AM

    Enty, get a clue. You are losing readers in droves, do you notice how few people even comment anymore? I have a slower internet connection, and with all the new CRAP that comes up on this site, it's nigh on impossible for me to even load it anymore.

    I've been reading CDAN for about 8 years now, but I'm just here to say that with the new site design, CDAN has officially and completely jumped the shark. I'm out. Toodles.

  4. Goopy has a BFF?

  5. sussique2:35 AM

    Lol all the babies saying they quit enty cos of the new format online. Roll with it or STFY. IF you have a hissy fit and leave its your loss.

  6. I think 2 is either gaga or kesha.

    Leaning toward gaga though..

  7. 4. Julia Roberts

  8. cigarcat2:49 AM


  9. simon2:55 AM

    I think it's meant to be Kelsey too and it fits; he missed the event his daughter was attending. but, the part I don't get is she wanted him to buy a house for their kids? Ummm, the oldest must only be about 2 years I reading this wrong?

  10. El Materdor3:05 AM

    That's what I was thinking. Besides, she had no leverage on that relationship or prenup bc of how their relationship started...

  11. Princess Demandy-Pants3:08 AM

    1. Greasy Kelsey
    2. Poor Gaga
    3. Russell Brand
    4. Nary a clue in this head. I'll say Reese for the hell of it.

  12. 1. don't know
    2. Gaga
    3. Russell Brand
    4. Goop/Tracy Anderson

  13. Sarah3:30 AM

    Adblock. I get so sick of these complaints. Just get adblock and there is no problem.

  14. NateM3:31 AM

    So many butthurt commenters fail to realize commenters typically make up a small percentage of total readers. And how do you know can is losing readers?/ have access to the site meter or other stats?

  15. Princess Demandy-Pants3:39 AM

    Come dance with me, Yves.

  16. cigarcat3:48 AM


  17. cigarcat3:49 AM

    Fuck you

  18. cigarcat3:50 AM


  19. cigarcat3:54 AM

    bitchface cunt

  20. Zappaz4:04 AM

    #2 is Gaga

  21. Princess Demandy-Pants4:08 AM

    Now, now. That will be Ms Inbred Cunt to you, Cigarcat. We have yet to be formally introduced.

  22. The 10th Doctor4:16 AM

    1) no clue but can't be Frasier--new kids are way too young
    2) Gaga
    3) Brand
    4) Reese

  23. Howard D4:32 AM


    I have been a very loyal reader for many years. I have even recommended this site to many people. Your new site design is horrible and even on a high speed connection takes a long time to load. And the ads!!!! That is totally out of control. There are many other sites that have ads but on your site it totally ruins the experience. You may have to pay someone to fix this site and restore it to something that is way easier to use.

  24. cigarcat4:34 AM


  25. Dudette5:13 AM

    "cigarcat" is one of the disgruntled whiners who migrated to the other site.

  26. Guidedogx5:26 AM

    Thanks, Sarah - the Adblock rocks!

  27. I would be honoured princess :)

  28. Mooshki5:40 AM

    Ke$ha is still producing hits. Gotta be Gaga.

  29. Mooshki5:41 AM


  30. sandybrook5:43 AM

    Suck my cock

  31. Princess Demandy-Pants6:00 AM


  32. So bored6:07 AM

    Alexa web ranking and traffic checker

  33. Three Knocks7:25 AM

    I have adblock and flashblock and blur installed and even then some of the ads came through. One ad had a virus embedded. Adblock on mobile devices is often sketchy. Flash autoplay ads can shut down a mobile web app. I used to access the mobile site even on my desktop but there's not new mobile site without a dozen ads and that stupid curtain.

  34. sandybrook9:34 AM

    Howard that's not me and I better not have to go thru every thread to check to see if cigarcat is using my name Enty. The e mail addy isn't enough security.

  35. Skippy10:10 AM

    Late start here today. It seems we have a feline with some rolled leaves shoved somewhere, with a very limited range. I hope someone lights your fire , perhaps then you'll be able to elucidate & may even learn to vocabulate.
    Warm regards

  36. Princess Demandy-Pants10:41 AM

    It's becoming fairly obvious who today's troll is, too. Here's hoping the site admin sorts out the name-swiping nonsense. I think we're all smart enough to figure out who the real UNs are but it's a distracting annoyance that we shouldn't have to deal with.

  37. frosty12:07 PM

    I don't understand the logic of cluttering your site with visual garbarge that slows the site down, and then suggesting people use Adblock but whatever

  38. I'll take a Nicole Kidman with a Naomi Watts chaser for No4 please.

  39. I said it on another thread, but I think Enty was also sold a pup on the mobile site. It's not that intuitive, I'm getting some odd animations and you still have to go to the desktop site to see/make comments.

  40. it took forever6:50 PM

    2 gaga
    3 brand
    those i know fo sure

  41. Woodsygal1:30 AM

    just use feedly. No issues. C'mon guys get with it!

  42. Wendy2:15 AM

    Kelsey has 4 baby mamas. His oldest is Spencer and I'm guessing she is the one he bought the house for. Greer is next with Barrie Buckner, and then with Camille he has Mason and Jude (which I'm assuming her and Barrie are the ones complaining about the house) and then Kayte, who has the babies and who he is still married too.

  43. Tell us more !

  44. Good. Get the hell out
