Monday, December 01, 2014

Blind Item #2

This married A-/B+ list mostly movie actor could see some serious acting hardware come to him this year or at least his film. This past week he hooked up with an actress who is B list and is on an almost television thing and also does movies. She is playing the field again now that she is single, but her last two hookups are both in relationships.


  1. Jazznblues10:54 PM

    Robin Wright
    Mark Ruffalo(foxcatcher oscar buzz)

  2. Jillian11:26 PM

    And who are the other two hookups?
    She’s one of my favorites actresses. I follow her on Twitter and she is doing charity work with a clothes line and i found interesting that:

    1) Ben Affleck was one of the first supporting her campaign and they’ve exchanged some cordiality tweets. Wasn’t a blind about them hooking up years ago when they filmed together and Sean penn hating Affleck because of that?

    2) some days later she started the campaign Ben Foster retweeted and favorited one of her posts. I found this interesting specially because her PR people throw him under a bus calling him immature and telling it was her who called it off.
    Maybe he wants her back? Maybe he feels guilty and tries to be friends after cheating on her? Maybe she was really the one who wanted out? What’s your assumption?

  3. Jazznblues11:33 PM

    Hey Jillian - wow- you know more than I it seems! Lol. I was thinking Ben Foster for sure(was rumored to have GF or fiancé or something) when they hooked up and possibly-Affleck

    I think he cheated while working on his play in London(rumored), but I don't think he wants her back. It seems more likely she is just doesn't want bad press and post Penn- is defensive(who wouldn't be)?

  4. CaptainJules5611:55 PM

    I was so sad when she and Ben Foster broke up. He's an idiot if he really cheated on her, because the shit storm that will come his way will be huge, given whats she's been through with Sean and also because shes a beloved actress in HW. Why propose if youre not sure enough about the relationship? To cheat on her just a few months later... He knew what he was getting into when proposing to an older, more famous, weathier woman...maybe he just couldn handle being the lesser part of the couple?
    Anyway I doubt Robin feels attracted to a sweetheart like Mark. I think she likes the intense, kinky type of guy.

  5. drunk chick12:06 AM

    Cheating is like second nature in Hollywood. I really doubt there is any actor now who hasn't cheated on his significant other. Maybe it's a cynical belief, but Im being realistic here. And these actors and actresses get engaged left and right and treat marriage as casual as just dating. Like okay, let's just see how this lasts. I can move on about 2 months after the divorce. All that fame and money to gain in exchange for crappy personal lives. Their priorities in life are so different from us regular citizens.

  6. This is sure Robin Wright, but I don’t think it’s Mark Ruffalo, he’s a family friend from the time she was married to Sean (remember Mark’s incident at Chris Penn's funeral?) and I think she likes them younger and more douchebag type. I think she never really intended to marry Ben Foster, and after Penn she’s taking no bullshit from nobody, so my guess is that as soon as Foster started to irritate her she called off the whole thing without thinking twice. Next!

    For the other hookups my guesses are Jon Hamm (they starred together at The Congress and they had “cartoon sex”) and Ben Affleck. Have fun girl!

  7. it took forever12:14 PM

    after being imprisoned to penn so long robin deserves some good karma now

  8. Don't think this is Mark.
