Monday, December 15, 2014

Blind Item #2

This reality star who turned mogul turned host turned back to reality star is working about a quarter the amount of time the rest of her cast mates are working but getting paid about ten times their salary. If anyone complains she holds up her cell phone and says one call and you will be fired. The power has gone to her head like no other celebrity I have seen in a long time. This is going to end in a fiery explosion of blame and hatred. Just hope they get it on film.


  1. Tricia1310:46 PM

    Bethany frankel

  2. sandybrook10:47 PM


  3. Greengrl10:51 PM

    Definitely Bethenny. The few times I've seen RHONY when she was on I thought she was tolerable but since leaving & now coming backI find her so annoying.

  4. Yep. Morning!

  5. Tricia1311:00 PM

    Morning Brin! @ greengrl-I agree 100%. I liked her, she was real in beginning . Now she is wretched and grating--- success took away any charm she had.

  6. texasrose4:27 AM

    How hard do those housewives work??? I just read somewhere that she was working hard to get in every scene and up her presence. That would imply that she is working harder than the others not getting screen time. It was probably meant to say she is hogging most of the screen time which makes sense since we probably want to see her acting like a bitch. I know I would rather watch her train wreck more than some of the boring ones.

  7. Tricia136:10 AM

    I agree @Texasrose. The cringeworthy moments make up for all the boring other ones(like, um Kristin/ Josh...ugh) I'll take sonja and Ramona high jinks anyday
