Thursday, December 25, 2014

Blind Item #2

In order to get her boyfriend to stop earning money in his usual way, this B+ list mostly television actress who is counting down the days to unemployment got him a job promoting clothes and brands. The only thing is she still has to go out with him to have his photo taken because no one wants him by himself. She is so proud that he is working. Umm, yeah.


  1. jenny breen1:24 AM

    Lea M ?

  2. Absolutely Lea. She fascinates me. I can't stand her and know she would tear your face off, but I can't stop following her every move, lol.

  3. Oh, is that why US weekly knew his pants were from Sears. All she could get was Sears,ha ha.

  4. I feel like by dating this guy she's shown herself as having some sort of saviour issue. Like Cory Monteith died on her and there was nothing she could do to help him or get him off the junk so now she's picked up some hooker she wants to get all Pretty woman with and set on the straight and narrow. Gotta admit, a rent boy will be easier to save than a junkie. I'm actually hoping this one works out for her. I've experienced the let down of losing someone I loved to drugs and there's nothing worse than feeling like you couldn't do anything to help stop them from killing themselves.
