Saturday, December 13, 2014

Blind Item #4

The actress wife of this B list mostly television actor on a show that should have been canceled before it aired but instead won the most ridiculous acting award ever was making people crazy this week talking about her craft and her vision for her role and how she meditated and chanted for hours each day to get ready for her role. She is in the movie for a couple of scenes and most people didn't even know she was in it.


  1. tricia132:25 AM

    James Van Der beek and wife Kimberly?

  2. tricia132:27 AM

    Show- friends with better lives

  3. LooLoo2:27 AM

    Johanna Newsom, Andy Samberg, Inherent Vice

  4. I don't want this to be true only because if it is, Enty is saying Brooklyn Nine Nine sucks. I'd have a problem with that. :D

  5. it took forever8:22 AM


  6. Clearly Enty has never actually seen Brooklyn Nine-Nine--it's one of the best sitcoms ever. Maybe a Golden Globe for Andy Samberg was premature last year--though it could have easily gone to Andre Braugher--I can't believe it got shut out this year.

  7. I like the Andy/Joanna guess, because she's a quack. But you watch your mouth about Brooklyn Nine Nine, Enty! One of the funniest shows on TV right now. I hated Samberg on SNL and I think the rest of the cast is supremely funnier than he his, BUT it's still hilarious.
