Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Blind Item #4

For the first time in months this A+ list singer drank and she also got hammered. Apparently she also got very angry in the morning when she found out the guy she took home and slept with to make an A list model jealous also didn't use a condom. Our singer was too wasted to notice. The screaming could be heard all the way down the hall and on the floor below her room too.


  1. jazznblues11:33 PM

    Rihanna and Cara Delevigne

  2. June Gordon11:34 PM

    This got Loretta Lynn wrote all over it.

  3. Taylor Swift slept with Harry Styles to make Ms. Jenner jealous.

  4. Zappaz12:08 AM

    Tay Tay

  5. sandybrook1:31 AM

    TayTay was on a roll at the VS ' s wasn't she?

  6. I'm pretty sure Taylor is too smart for that. She is very careful with her image.

  7. M, think Taylor isprobably drunk on power just now so could be affecting her decision making and doubt it is Rihanna, she apparently likes to roll the dice

  8. Annie-Leah7:39 AM

    swift and karlie kloss

  9. There are lots of reports that say Taylor was drinking quite a bit at the Victoria's Secret afterparty. And she's admitted in the past that she can't hold her liquor, so this really does sound like Swift.

  10. Highly doubt this is Taylor Swift, which she was drinking at the VS after parties she doe seem to have more sense than this.
