Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Blind Item #6

This B list reality star from an A list reality show goes into a car shop almost everyday and is convinced he has a tracking device on his car and has been getting more and more paranoid about it each day when they tell him nothing is on it. The reality star looks as if he has not slept in weeks.


  1. MOMama12:08 AM

    Scott Disick??

  2. TerribleLayout12:15 AM

    I used to find the comments here off-putting in a weird, cultish way but now I miss them because I need the smart guesses!

  3. He should check his cellular telephone to see if it has been set to notify another person of his whereabouts. Parents can do that on their kid's cellular phones. Kourtney probably did it to his.

  4. ^I agree. Thing is, the new companion site doesn't post all of CDAN's stuff and they are slow. Wish some good regs would post here. Use a computer, not a phone and stop whining--it's fine.

  5. Jonathan Andrew Sheen2:19 AM

    "X," when you say, "Use a computer, not a phone and stop whining–it’s fine," you're showing your ignorance. The site works much better on a phone than on a computer. On a computer, it's slow, stutters, is hard to navigate, and is a God-awful pig chowing down on system resources with useless javascripts like the "dancing balogna" animation on the Site's header image and logo.

    No, it's not fine. It's crap, and Enty, thinking that paying fake commenters to claim it is rather than just fix his stupid mistake, absolutely deserves the hit he's taking in page-views and ad revenues.

  6. Bread and Circuses3:15 AM

    To be honest, I always found the old site slow -- the header image was huge -- and while this site is a little weird, it's no worse (for me.)

    And I actually like having all the posts accessed by clicking the image. I never liked having to scroll through all the photos to get to the blinds. Now I just open a million tabs... :)

  7. IckyStick4:30 AM

    I use a computer and it's totally fine. I can't believe how much you people bitch about a free gossip website. Get a fucking life!

  8. Jonathan Andrew Sheen4:42 AM

    IckyStick, it's awesome if you like watching your system resources flush down the drain on pointless, processor-chewing animations. If you like additional scripts and less control over how you view the page, it's dandy.

    For people with a mind of their own, it's hugely degraded over what it was. You know how you can tell? There's almost nobody left reading or commenting.

    I know, I know, everybody else is wrong, and you're right. And that's on the assumption that you -- who appeared out of nowhere, never before seen, to do nothing but defend this ill-designed web-swamp -- are a real commenter and not someone being paid to defend the new design. That new design being as shitty and non-functional as it is, that latter is clearly the way to bet.

  9. Studio545:00 AM

    I've had no problems here at all on a desktop. I agree with people that think this whining is pitiful.

  10. Mskimee5:11 AM


  11. IckyStick5:19 AM

    Bahahaha! Oh I've been around for a while, and I am aware of the constant bitching you do. It's cool bro, this is clearly the highlight of your day.

  12. Dudette6:39 AM

    Rob Kardashian? I wouldn't be surprised if the old cougar did it.

  13. WritergirlinLA7:33 AM

    The new site blows! It takes me an incredible amount of effort just to post this. Hate it. Until it's fixed, I won't be on here. Can't navigate it on mobile or computer. Worst. Design. EVER!!!!

  14. StaceyC9:49 AM

    It's not the first time there's been a mass exodus from the site, probably won't be the last time either. New people will come and act like they own the comments and it'll happen all over again. No I'm not paid, yes I have been here since the beginning, and no I don't have any problems running the site on my laptop , on Chrome w/ adblock. Free site, quit bitching, have fun reading and chill out. Gah!

  15. Jason Blue Eyes10:59 AM

    Hi, Writergirl,

    How have you been? I completely agree but this is the way it is and it does not seem like anything will be done about it. It's been five weeks and still a mangy eyesore. I imagine the #1 question Enty will hear while attending LA Christmas parties is "What the hell did you do to your site?" Hopefully one of his industry friends can pass along the number of someone who might possibly be able to fix this thing.

  16. I also use a desktop and have no problems. But there is validity to the complaints, and for a lot of people if they can't access something on their phone they just don't use it. I think the bitching was because they really didn't want to give up the site but it was too frustrating to keep coming back. I'm glad I can still come here, but I don't think everyone else is wrong for being upset.

  17. it took forever12:01 PM

    scott disick, noticed he says he cant sleep in the same bed as kourtney cause he has insomnia,

  18. it took forever12:03 PM

    anyone saw him asking khloe for medication/pills on last episode

  19. Check your cellphone buddy. Its most probably a tracking App on your phone! Tracking devices on cars are so 1990.

  20. I miss VIP. She doesn't commenet on here anymore since the new site. I miss Tricia too.. they had the best answers!! This new site design sucks, but I am still loyal so I continue...
