Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Blind Item #6

This married foreign born sometime A list mostly movie actor and always good looking spent some time in the bathroom at this NYC restaurant having sex with a woman he picked up at the bar. Apparently she bought the open marriage line he likes throwing out.


  1. tricia1312:01 AM

    Daniel Craig

  2. Tricia1312:02 AM

    Because I think pierce brosnan is too classy

  3. Definitely!

  4. LooLoo12:44 AM

    Christian Bale. He's in NYC promoting Exodus: White Guys and More White Guys

  5. Dexamyl2:43 AM

    According to a former madam who used to post on Datalounge, Bale's a sub into some freaky stuff.

  6. At this point Craig and Ewan would not be a surprise. Def not Brosnan. Bardem? Hope not but doesn't look like he can be trusted, based on nothing.

  7. Was thinking Bale or Tim Roth.

  8. Tricia135:45 AM

    Great guess(Bardem)!! And I'm with you- shady for some reason?

  9. Tricia135:48 AM

    I love @dex info!!
    And I believe it. Just watching him on Kelly n Michael this morning and am always impressed by his talent, skill, craft etc- but just sense the darkness. Pretty sure he sober( based on nothing more than I think he great up with a drinking famy and decided he wanted to be something(like Ewan eventually did): the sex stuff not surprising. Something there with him, and it allows him to really explore his characters, I feel

  10. it took forever8:10 AM

    Yes@ Tricia, heard that also about Bale, he LOVES bondage
