Friday, December 26, 2014

Blind Item #7 - Kindness

This A+ list singer had another great year and ended it on a kindness which is really nice. She gave each of her employees a Christmas bonus which matched their entire annual salary.


  1. parissucksliterally1:49 AM

    Taylor. Glad to hear she takes care of her people. Nice that she realizes she has more money than she will ever need.

  2. ettacettera12:06 PM

    For all the bad stuff that gets said about her, she's the only person I thought of.

  3. IckyStick6:02 AM

    Plus she seems to manage it well. Buys property that she can sell. Involved in many business ventures. Good $ team. None of that dumbass young fame bullshit.

  4. Either Taylor or Beyonce.
