Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Blind Item #7

Apparently the destruction of his house and the burning of a bed because of freebasing has still not been forgiven by this A+ list mostly movie actor because his name was being used and abused the other night by the A-/B+ list mostly movie actor who did all the damage when the A+ lister bought a movie the A lister was going to star in and now has no shot of getting.


  1. Tricia1312:31 AM

    Jonah Hill/Brad Pitt

  2. Tricia1312:34 AM

    Project could be the"untitled Melso Crown Project" also starring Jonahs boy Leo (and DeNiro)

  3. Princess Kate12:43 AM

    My first thought was Leo/Jonah, but does Leo have a house? For some reason, I think of him living in hotels?

  4. Tricia1312:49 AM

    I meant it's Brad Pitts house that Jonah destroyed after they became friendly doing Moneyball. He took advantage one night and had a blow out party(apparently lots of drugs involved). I remember distinctly Pitt being furious. I believe it was Pitts vacation home(one of em). Leo is in an upcoming Pitt project, I meant Jonah pissed cuz he couldn't get in on it

  5. Wednesday1:03 AM

    Hill's a little shit, it got reported in mainstream press about the blow out he had in one of Pitt's homes & trashed it. Pitt was pissed, Hill didn't understand that it wasn't about the money.

  6. Jessica Larson1:10 AM

    Yep, Hill & Pitt.

    You know the destruction is bad when they couldn't keep it out of the mainstream media.

  7. Tricia131:14 AM

    Exactly@ Wednesday! he's a total tosser. Entitled frat ass Mofo.
    He and Paris should get together . maybe he'll smother her and then at least 1 less tool to deal with:)
