Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 18, 2014

This A- list singer has been known to have her fans purchase coke for her and other drugs so she never has to actually pay for it herself. Most of the time the fans who buy it for her just get a quick thanks. Lots of times they just have to pass it over to a bodyguard and they never get to say anything to their idol.

Lady GaGa


  1. So not only is she a druggie but she's a cheap ass druggie that expects her "lessers" to get it for her. What a sweet woman. :/

  2. Zilla31:13 AM

    Glad to see she's on the downslide career wise. What a selfish phony.

  3. Shelly Shell1:27 AM

    She's a fake ass hypocrite, who rips off everyone else, glad her last CD bombed.

  4. If I was her I'd exploit those imbecilic suckers as well.

  5. Dudette6:33 AM

    She's probably the biggest hypocrite in the biz, always talking about how honest she is with her fans, when it was all bullshit.

  6. it took forever11:49 AM

    poor gaga
