Sunday, December 21, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 1, 2014

This A- list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and keeps himself in the spotlight with his actions and photos had sex the other night with this A- list singer who had her friend stand outside the bedroom the entire time to make sure no one came in because there were no locks on the bedroom door.

James Franco/Lana Del Rey


  1. it took forever1:55 AM

    wonder what he tells them for them to have sex with this jerk

  2. weirrrd2:23 AM

    thought she had a bf

  3. James Franco is one of those guys who is physically good looking but his personality makes him very unattractive and @Weirrrd think her boyfriend was cheating with Whoras sister

  4. Ginger5:22 AM

    I thought he was gay?

  5. The wonderful question that appears at the end of most blinds.
