Monday, December 29, 2014

Mr. X Blind Item #3 - Old Hollywood

What A-list blonde actress not named Marilyn was three years older than she said she was, making her almost 30 years old at the time of her early death?


  1. Tricia1311:01 PM

    Jayne Mansfield

  2. sandybrook11:02 PM

    I doubt its Jayne Mansfield who else?

  3. sandybrook11:03 PM

    Her death says she was 31 at the time that's why I doubt it.

  4. French girl11:04 PM

    Jean harlow

  5. sandybrook11:04 PM

    actually 34.

  6. Tricia1311:04 PM

    Jean Harlow(died at"26")

  7. Tricia1311:05 PM

    Jinx French girl!

  8. sandybrook11:05 PM

    very good~

  9. PowerBlue11:10 PM

    Jean Harlow. She was supposedly 26 when she died; adding three years would have made her almost 30 (i.e., 29).

  10. Jessica Larson12:01 AM

    Harlow died very young, so I think her.

    Maynesfield was older and a has been, that's why she was on the road in her own variety stage show.

  11. The 10th Doctor12:02 AM

    Agree with french girl, it's Jean Harlow

  12. it took forever12:27 AM

    i think i may have been the only one here who didnt know Mariska Hargitay was Mansfield daughter, i only found out 3 years ago

  13. Franklin Bluth2:11 AM

    Marilyn Monroe's real name was Norma Jeane Mortenson, so perhaps the BI is tricksy and is really referring to Norma Jeane Mortenson aka Marilyn Monroe?

  14. aemish2:36 AM

    Speaking of false ages.. Here's a good blind about Catherine Zeta Jones!

    The Secret Service has Her Real Number
    BlindGossip – Party crashers aren’t the only ones creating stress at the White House. A certain celebrity was scheduled to attend a function at the White House, but ran into a snafu when a standard security check was performed on her. It turns out that the age on her driver’s license didn’t match up to the background check. She gave them a big song and a dance about how the mix up occurred, but eventually had to admit her real age in order to gain admission for future events. We don’t know which made her actor husband more upset: the fact that she was singled out for a mild interrogation, or that fact that his wife has lied to him all along about her age. While she is unquestionably beautiful, she is quite a few years older than he thought she was.

    tee-hee :p

  15. The 10th Doctor4:23 AM

    haha @aemish. True story: I remember when she first started becoming well-known, her age was 4 years older than me. Then when she became really well known, she was my age. now she is 4 or 5 years younger than me!

  16. aemish4:34 AM

    LOL! Hey, if a girl can pull it off...!

  17. syvyn116:54 AM

    Yep, you were the only one.

  18. Tilly3:32 PM

    Try to keep up

  19. Tilly3:33 PM

    So one less for the '27 Club' then?

  20. Tilly3:35 PM

    Silly goose should've faked a drug addiction rather than admitted to having bipolar when she was caught exiting the rehab ... it's killed her career. NO SHADE on people with bipolar, but it's just the way H'wood works - a drug addiction would've landed her interviews, magazine covers, notoriety ... whereas a mental illness is taboo. I hope that changes sometime soon, but it's just the way it is!

  21. Tilly3:36 PM

    I saw her up close and personal a few years back and she looked rough. Fillers and botox can only do so much as you get older. She was gorgeous in 'Darling Buds of May'.

  22. aemish8:15 PM

    Wow.. you think so? I did not know that! I just assumed after she married she just focused more on family life and kids ヽ(•́ . •̀)ノ

  23. aemish8:16 PM

    I just saw a thing, I think it was on zergnet, of celebrities before and after photoshop.. and if those pictures were accurate.. A LOT of celebrities be looking a little rough around the edges! :p
