Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Today's Blind Items - Kindness

This A list mostly television actress is on a very hit network show. People are obsessed with this show. Our actress though always finds time to help out those in need and especially one group of which she is fond. The fact that she supports this group is public knowledge. What she prefers to keep quiet though is that she sets aside almost a quarter of her earnings for a scholarship fund she created for the members of this group. They have no ides she started it or funded it and she came up with the name of a fake corporation that is supposedly funding the scholarships. It is all her. With her current salary and a match by her boss the two of them are able to send about ten kids to college full-time and pay for their room and board and books too. Within the next year they are hoping to expand the program to be able to send every child who goes through the program to school. This is a multi-million dollar a year commitment from our actress and her boss.


  1. Tricia132:12 AM

    Sophia Vergara

  2. sandybrook2:12 AM

    Sofia Vergara

  3. sandybrook2:13 AM

    well jinx!

  4. Tricia132:14 AM


  5. Dorothy2:30 AM

    Isn't this Kerry Washington and Shonda Rhimes?

  6. Tricia132:36 AM

    Veeeery possible!! Think it is-great guess!

  7. That was my first guess.

  8. Zoe Cialite2:57 AM

    God bless them!

  9. missy3:07 AM

    viola davis/shonda was my first thought, but kerry is a better fit i think!

  10. Quill5:08 AM

    Why would people have ides? It's not even March!

  11. syvyn117:24 AM

    I know Enty has her as 'B+ list', but I'll say Mariska Hargitay.

  12. This has Kerry and Shonda written all over it. Kerry is active in the President's Council on Arts and Humanities, and is very involved in promoting arts education. The fact she has remained anonymous goes hand in hand with her secretive nature too, although at least one can understand wanting to keep this sort of thing under wraps. Your so-called husband not so much!

  13. What about Zoe Deschanel? I know at one time her show was super popular (although I never understood the hype.)
