Saturday, May 03, 2014

Blind Item #2

This former A list reality star from a former A list reality show that aired on a one letter cable network is getting divorced but is trying to land a tabloid cover that shows her to be a victim in the marriage before she announces it.

Blind Items Revealed

October 25, 2012

Want to make the biggest publicity splash ever? This A list all movie actor has what he thinks is the best idea ever to get the public on his side forever. He has been in touch with his A list actress ex-wife and they are working out a deal (read $$) to spend Christmas together with their kids. She can even bring her kids and her new husband. Christmas trees and fake snow and one big photo op all splashed on the cover of Kneepads. These two do know how to make the best photo ops.

Tom Cruise (This one really puzzles me because I know they took the photos)

Blind Item #1

This A+ list mostly movie actress went bra less for her daily pap shot but decided after seeing the photos they showed way more than she intended so went and bought a bra and then had the pap take more photos.

Blind Items Revealed

September 19, 2012

This vegan who makes it very clear she is a vegan and mentions it every second that she can when she is not being a former almost A list actress who starred in an iconic role before dropping all the way down to her current B-/C+ movie or television depending on who will employ her has her assistant bring her a hamburger from Umami at least once a week and it is not a vegetarian one or even a turkey one.

Alicia Silverstone

Blind Items Revealed

September 25, 2012

This A+ list reality star who has appeared on multiple hit shows heard this former A list celebrity and former television actress and half of some very interesting couplings was for sale or at least for rent and he did. She did draw the line at spending time with his friends too. Although, she is not opposed to spending time with his other girlfriends.

Simon Cowell/Carmen Electra

Blind Items Revealed

October 30, 2012

This female newlywed probably had a little idea what she was getting into when she married into this celebrity family, but in the past month it has been a nightmare of oppression. She told one of her friends that she tries to get out of the house as much as she can everyday because if she is home there are pop ins and constant calls and Skyping and she cannot get away from the family for even a second and are always in her business. She finds herself running errands multiple times a day because it is the only time she ever gets a chance to breathe.

Lisa Stelly/Jack Osbourne

Blind Items Revealed

September 26, 2012

What C list actress/celebrity offspring of a former A list couple really should watch out for her safety. That tooth she lost the other night at the hands of her boyfriend will not be the last one she loses. His drug use is out of control and when she uses, they get into fights about his cheating and spending and one of these days he is going to kill her. He almost did once, but he missed her head when he swung at her with a baseball bat and just dislocated her shoulder.

Bobbi Kristina

Blind Items Revealed

September 5,2012

This female celebrity on Dancing With The Stars has been hitting on a dancer from day one. He keeps turning her down. She asked him why and he said it was because she was not famous enough or make enough money for him to be interested.

Bristol Palin/Maksim

Blind Items Revealed

October 21, 2012

This foreign born A list celebrity in her country was in town last month to hook up with a man who paid for her to be there. I told you about it last month. He is a big fan of sleeping with celebrities and even marrying them. Our foreign born celebrity started looking for places to live because she thought this was going to be very lucrative for her. Turns out though that the word got out that she was not even close to worth the amount of money she was asking and spent most of the time talking about herself, looking in the mirror and even said her goal was to meet Paris Hilton.

Pippa Middleton

Blind Items Revealed

September 19, 2012

This vegan who makes it very clear she is a vegan and mentions it every second that she can when she is not being a former almost A list actress who starred in an iconic role before dropping all the way down to her current B-/C+ movie or television depending on who will employ her has her assistant bring her a hamburger from Umami at least once a week and it is not a vegetarian one or even a turkey one.

Alicia Silverstone

Blind Items Revealed

October 23, 2012

This reality host from a very hit cable show was overheard telling one of her friends that she will not date any man who does not have a net worth of at least $25M. As for sex? "There better be a very big gift involved everytime." I am actually surprised she had someone to share this with because she does not have very many friends. She is one of the biggest pains in the celebrity world and no one likes her or ever wants to work with her.

Padma Lakshmi

Blind Items Revealed

September 20, 2012

#2 - This former A+ list actor who is now a B+ will only take a shower on the set of a movie if someone stands outside the shower door and also the door of his trailer. He is too scared of someone getting video of him.

Tom Cruise

Blind Items Revealed

October 24, 2012

I don't even think this C list director is all that great looking but because of the hate that this formerly almost A list movie actress and who is now working her way back up to a solid B+ has for this B-/C list actress, our former A list actress f**ked the C list director who also happens to be the fiancee of the B- list actress. Our former A lister says she was bored and out of cigarettes and wanted to wipe the smirk off the B- lister's face.

Kate Bosworth/Michael Polish/Winona Ryder

Blind Items Revealed

October 24, 2012

What former B+ list actress, who was on the bring of A listerdom in the movies has tried her hand at other things since as she tries to climb back up the fame ladder still has almost A list name recognition but should probably find a new boyfriend or try new sex games. The last two weeks she has made sure to be covered up to hide the bruises her boyfriend makes. Upper thighs. Throat.

Mena Suvari

Ben Affleck Banned Form Playing Blackjack At Hard Rock

Ben Affleck learned that even if you are an A+ list mostly movie actor that you will get banned if you win enough money from casinos counting cards in blackjack. Counting cards is not illegal. Casinos just tell a player they are too good and ban them from ever playing again in that casino. You will probably also get banned from other casinos. Ben Affleck has been banned after winning too much money playing blackjack at the Hard Rock Casino in Vegas. Most of us would have been thrown out. Ben and Jen were given a car ride back to their place. If he had a run at a game that had better casino odds they would have welcomed him back, but because he was playing blackjack, he was banned. I'm sure there will be some casino in Vegas who will take the chance and garner the publicity and let him play there.

Kerry Washington Proves You Can Keep A Secret

Kerry Washington is the star of one of the biggest shows on television. There are countless fan sites and websites and fan fiction sites devoted to her. Despite all of this, she managed to have her baby almost two weeks ago without anyone noticing. How does she accomplish this? She doesn't care about being spotted and doesn't call paps every time she leaves the house. Kerry gave birth two weeks ago. It just goes to show you that if you don't want attention you won't get any.It would have been a big scoop for the tabloids if they had known she was going into labor. She could have had her publicist let Kneepads know, but she didn't. You have to admire that about her.

Of course I need to give some mention to the conspiracy theorists out there who think she had the baby even sooner which is why her baby bump was so well hidden in the season finale.

Efram Zimbalist Jr. Has Died

Efrem Zimbalist Jr., the actor who costarred as the suave private eye Stuart Bailey on TV's "77 Sunset Strip" beginning in the late 1950s and later starred as the buttoned-down Inspector Lewis Erskine on "The F.B.I.," died Friday. He was 95.

Modern generations know the actor more for his daughter, Stephanie Zimbalist, who starred on Remington Steele with Pierce Brosnan.

Friday, May 02, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

Cristina and Burke get the top spot today.
Bradley Cooper is really filling out.
Chris Brown will be in jail at least another week.
Cindy Crawford looks great at an event with
Minnie Driver.
Christina Hendricks at the premiere of Philip Seymour Hoffman's last movie.
It was directed by John Slattery, so Kiernan Shipka showed up.
Jennifer Grey and
Elisabeth Moss were also there.

Random Photos Part Four

Judging by their wardrobe I would guess that Fergie and her friend lost a bet with a blind clothing designer.
Ariana Grande makes out with her ex. Gets all that Sam And Cat talk pushed to the side.
Adrian Grenier and gratuitous shirt removal.
Chris Martin holds his balls so Gwyneth Paltrow can't take them back after dinner last night.
Long time no see in the photos for Guy Ritchie and his pregnant girlfriend.
Graham Norton should be good with Hugh Jackman and Michael Fassbender with a side of James McAvoy.
Hailee Steinfeld on the set of her new movie.
Kate Bosworth continues to not do much.
Kate Hudson and her new line of workout clothes.

Random Photos Part Three - I Heart Radio Music Awards

Jared Leto and Billy Ray Cyrus
Selena Gomez
Adam Lambert
Corey Feldman wearing Michael Lohan
Nikki Sixx and Courtney Bingham
Ashley Greene
Hilary Duff
Cheryl Burke
Jennifer Lopez and Rihanna

Random Photos Part Two

Kevin Spacey is in the new Call Of Duty. He looks good digitized.
Lily Allen continues her efforts to get supplied with free Chanel for life.
Lena Dunham takes the always popular I blinded myself looking into the sun while taking a selfie.
Lindsay Lohan continues her sobriety in London by bar hopping. Really working hard to get that Oscar.
By contrast, Liv Tyler looks delightful in NYC.
Mariah Carey in Times Square celebrating her album launch.
Meryl Street got an award last night for best scarf. Or is that a shawl? A wrap?
Martha Stewart in all black. Still waiting for her to come bake for me.
Naomi Watts escapes the heat by hitting the beach in Santa Monica.

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Olivia Wilde made her first red carpet appearance since giving birth last week. Jason Sudeikis looks like he is a very tired guy.
At the same event were Suze Orman and Chelsea Handler.
Prince Harry and
William went to Rendezvous in Memphis last night. I love that place. I am a dry fan.
Rita Ora wears a dress from the Jeff Lewis paint collection.
Amanda Seyfried in Elle.
Long time no see in the photos for Salma Hayek.
The world thinks Tori Spelling is took skinny so she took paps and her reality crew to a burger place.
Zach Braff riding through the streets of NYC.

Blind Item #6

This barely B list mostly anything she can get actress did have a huge role on a huge hit television show but just stumbles from one minor movie role to the next. Anyway, our very attractive slightly aging actress was filming a commercial and wanted a camera moved to a different position and when the director said no, our actress stood there with her arms crossed and a pout on her lips for fifteen minutes until the director agreed to move it. Our actress the smiled and jumped up and down like a 10 year old.

Blind Item #5

This married A list entertainer(singer) got busted last year for shoplifting while in London but hushed it all up. It was only about $50 worth of stuff and she is worth millions. Apparently she does this frequently.

Off Topic

They played a game on ESPN Radio here yesterday where the announcers had to guess whether it was a horse in the Kentucky Derby or a brand of pot. Harder than it sounds.

Blind Items Revealed

October 18, 2012

This A+ list super model and her A list movie actor husband are having big issues because she has cheated on him twice. Both times were with a photographer after they had worked together. The actor just can't get over it. He has never had a jealous bone in his body and now has been basically just staying at home with their child.

Miranda Kerr/Orlando Bloom

Four For Friday - Strange Hookups

Happy May everyone. Not much to say today other than don't forget that next weekend is Mother's Day and you should start planning your excuses now about why you forgot to mail a card. I will be here all weekend in a mint julep haze blogging away. If you are so inclined, I would love for you to follow me on Twitter. I am @entylawyer

These are some of my favorite blinds because, not only do I give you half of the puzzle, it also can bring a mental image to my mind that can provide a lot of laughs. Or groans.

#1 - Tawny Kitean and this former A+ list mostly television actor who has not translated his television success to movies or really any other network shows but has a great little side project going on right now.

#2- Gwyneth Paltrow and the same guy from #1

#3- Courteney Cox and this former A list musician because of a band he was in. Not Adam Duritz. Not Bruce Springsteen.

#4- Susan Sarandon and this Academy Award winner/nominee hooked up when they were co-stars.

#5 - Chris Noth and this former A list mostly movie actress who still has A list name recognition and has a great imagined hometown line.

Your Turn

I really want to do some binge watching so name a show worth binge watching.

Blind Items Revealed

November 18, 2012

This actress is barely C list. Considering that she is the star of a network television show you would think she would be a B or even an A. That would probably be pushing it, but in her mind she is an A. The thing is no one recognizes her because no one watches her show. Plus, she just kind of fits in with everyone else. She is not memorable. The other day though she yelled at her PR team and said she was going to get a new team unless they made her famous that week. Yes, she gave them a two day deadline because it was Wednesday already. Well, it is Sunday now and no one knows who she is still. She actually said on the phone that she wanted to be as famous as Lindsay Lohan.

Dakota Johnson (It ended up taking an extra six months, but her team got her a great role)

Blind Items Revealed

November 10, 2012

This A list all movie all the time actor had a secret meeting with this formerly almost A list foreign born singer. He has always sung her praises and when she was at the top of her fame chart, he was her biggest admirer. Meeting in secret is not that big of a deal normally, but in this case, it will be very interesting to see if she goes out with him to a very public event in the next few weeks. You know, just as friends, but then marriage in about two weeks.

Tom Cruise/Joss Stone (This would probably be irrelevant at this point, but apparently they have seen each other in London several times over the past few months)

Blind Items Revealed

November 4, 2012

What C list all movie actor with A list name recognition and a proclivity for getting women pregnant told his latest girlfriend that he had a vasectomy after what happened to him not so long ago so that it was fine for them to have unprotected sex. Considering how many women he has been with she should have run away screaming at the thought of that, but she is naive and very young and he knows she wants to be with him. He has never had a vasectomy either. It will be interesting to see what happens when his half his age girlfriend gets pregnant. He would probably accuse her of cheating. That is what he did with the last one to get pregnant.

Ryan Phillippe

Blind Item #4

This former B+ list former mostly movie actor who has worked since his teen years and made the switch to television when the movies dried up. He is having a lot of success on television and has a fairly new hit show. He also has a significant other. When he recently hooked up with an actress who was guest starring on his show she says that during sex the actor wouldn't stop talking about himself and how lucky she was to be part of his career and his sex life and would not stop talking. It was so strange she felt like there must have been a camera recording it.

Edie Brickell And Paul Simon Have Been Physical Before

The police reports in the Edie Brickell and Paul Simon domestic violence case have been revealed and to me it sounds like Edie got a little drunk and confronted Paul Simon about something he had done to break Edie's heart and the two then fought. Paul had blood on his right earlobe after Edie slapped his face. Edie for her part had a bruise on her wrist and other injuries which she refused to show the police. Edie told the police that the couple had previously been physical with each other in fights. Earlier reports indicated that it was Edie's mom called 911 but now it seems as if it was Paul who called the police. The incident happened in a cottage on the property that the couple uses as a recording studio. The couple is due back in court but I have a feeling the whole thing will either get dropped or they will have to attend some anger management classes.