Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Blind Item #10

This B- list mostly television actress who is an offspring and on a hit almost network show didn't mind getting trashed this weekend. It got her more publicity than she has received in quite some time and now she hopes that burst will get her signed to additional seasons of the show.


  1. Tricia133:32 AM

    Katie Cassidy

  2. yourewatching4:14 AM

    Emma Roberts

  3. Tricia134:45 AM

    Emma is on cable. I think by trashed enty didn't mean drunk, but insulted.
    Cassidy had a twitter war with Chrissy Teigan on Sunday and a lot of people are trashing her

  4. The 10th Doctor5:54 AM

    What show is she on, Tricia? I know she was on Supernatural for a season due to my Winchester brothers obsession but wasn't aware she was in anything else.

  5. tricia136:01 AM

    Hello Doctor- she is on Arrow: CW network

  6. tricia136:04 AM

    Katie Cassidy I am referring to

  7. The 10th Doctor8:00 AM

    Ahhhhh, thanks Tricia. I haven't watched Arrow so no wonder I didn't know. Lol.

  8. Sarah8:49 AM

    Yes. Has to be Cassidy. For once, I was actually on her side as I was irritated by Erin Andrews' lightweight questions. Ask about his arm, dimwit!

  9. Blake1:03 AM

    I hope this is true and that her contract is up this season, a great many Arrow fans will rejoice in her leaving the show for good. Is Katie a probable candidate for any other non revealed blind items hinting at such continued behavior on set? I've seen those already revealed.

