Monday, January 26, 2015

Blind Item #1

This B list reality star from a hit cable show that already reached its A+ list peak and is on the decline is married. He is also very conservative. In what was supposed to be a multi-hour work dinner while out of town our reality star kept looking at his watch and bailed after 30 minutes and went to his limo. Inside was a woman who was definitely not his wife.


  1. One of the Duck Dynasty guys.

  2. Violet10:34 PM

    Jim Bob Duggar. I would love if it was.

  3. June Gordon10:40 PM

    I know for a FACT from the guy I buy medicine from that this is Jim Bob Duggar and one of his daughters.

    Praying for them!

  4. Brin, I like that guess, but which one? How about Willie...don't see Jase using a Limo or going to a meeting.

  5. I honestly don't know them (don't watch) but I saw an item about Willie eating out some place in NYC so maybe him?

  6. Above comment for Dani. This reply doesn't always work
