Thursday, January 08, 2015

Blind Item #2

This B- list actress is mostly movies, but has done television, including reality and has been in and out of favor because of her erratic behavior. To maintain her lifestyle she has a little game where she sleeps with married men and then threatens them with exposure if they don't pay up.


  1. Tricia1311:01 PM


  2. sandybrook11:01 PM

    Denise Richards?

  3. My first thought is Lindsey, but that's almost too easy.

  4. back again11:07 PM

    Tara Reid ---- Celebrity Big Brother(GreatBritain)

  5. sandybrook11:07 PM

    I think LIndsay demands to be paid upfront. Once the money is in her purse the clothes come off, she's a hooker.

  6. Tricia1311:07 PM

    When the ho fits.....or what's that saying lol ?

  7. Tricia1311:11 PM

    She also did Taradise in E! Sadly I know this.
    Could be her- not sure of the TV show she was on. Lindsey did 2 broke girls and sumtin else I choose to forget lol

  8. Erin B11:14 PM

    I don't understand who these desperate bastards are who are paying to sleep with Lindsey. They must close their eyes & recall a time before she was so beat.

  9. back again11:15 PM


  10. Good guesses...either Lindsey or Tara fit.

  11. back again11:17 PM

    Thank You Sandy : ) the refresh works -it must be my computer cuz it keeps stopping & starting!!

  12. back again11:22 PM

    Tara Reid was on "Scrubs" & a soap opera

  13. groovy11:34 PM

    I like Tara for this since she doesn't have her own pimpmama pre-negotiatiing

  14. sandybrook1:15 AM

    Its not your computer because it happens on everything I use so its the website. (just becaz I never bitch about it doesn't mean I don't think this abortion of a site sux!)

  15. The 10th Doctor1:25 AM

    @sandybrook and back again, the site is getting tweaked again I think. I emailed Enty this week about some glitches in the mobile site. I heard back that my email was passed on to the web developers to work on the issue so I think that's why there is extra lag today. I'm experiencing it too and generally don't.

  16. back again1:32 AM

    Thanks 10th Doctor for taking the time &making the effort to help make the site run better-really nice of you to do that : )

  17. back again1:35 AM

    Thanks AGAIN @Sandy--ok so I'll stop looking @ new Anti-Virus Ware thinking mine obviously sucks!! lol (im serious--that's what I've bn doing for the last hour!!)
