Sunday, January 04, 2015

Blind Item #4

This current NYC Housewife who thinks it is a definite step backwards checked out of her hotel two days early this past week when her nemesis checked in. Not because they would have argued but the nemesis has hooked up with the current Housewife's boyfriend numerous times and he always talks about her.


  1. Tricia1312:47 AM

    Ramona singer/ Kelly Bensimon

  2. Tricia1312:51 AM

    Sorry,it's Bethany Frankel/kelly B/ Bethany's BF
    Hotel in Miami

  3. ^^^ yep

    Bethany and Krazy Island Kelly Bensimon.

  4. Tricia1312:57 AM

    Yep!!! I effin loved that island:))what a shit show!

  5. Bethany and Kelly for sure

  6. Santoki6:29 AM

    Gotta love the animosity between those two. Those were the golden days of RHONY

  7. Tricia136:46 AM

    @Santoki- I couldn't agree more. The last couple seasons lost me(RHWNJ a total loss) those twins- double the pleasure)? Uh no child, double the earplugs and make them go away!
    Perfect example of everything in moderation. Especially twins from NJ in the Real Housewives..(amber honorary douchey mention).
    The real broads are few and far between (sonja:))))

  8. Beckymae7:33 AM

    I am SO SO SO excited that Bethanny is back on RHONY but it would be the icing on the cake if Bensimon also returned.....I can dream...

  9. Beckymae7:34 AM

    I love Sonja too Tricia....her Facebook feed is AH-mazing

  10. Tricia138:06 AM

    Hey @Beckymae! I loves her madly(haven't followed on FB though) maybe will start:). She just always struck me as an authentic broad- even if hustlin' (where are those toaster ovens lol) ,or posing- she always had a sense if humor about herself...and is a survivor. Good qualities
    Bethany is a wicked hot mess of ambition, humility, and famewhorism. But I love her candor- and again, cannot wait to see this next season. Last was a snooooooozefest

  11. Beckymae11:51 AM

    I totes would have bought that toaster oven! My gay friend's would fucking EXPLODE!
    I used to like Bethanny until she had that show where she got married and she just came across as ugly on the inside...
