Saturday, January 17, 2015

Blind Item #6

This former B list mostly movie actor who now has other projects and even does some producing of a popular daytime show hired multiple nannies for his kid(s) because he has no intention of being home at night and then spends all day sleeping it off.


  1. HITS1234:54 AM

    Edward Norton??

  2. Too vague to guess. We need some kind of clue about the show he's producing, other than "popular daytime" to make an really good guess. And I'm way too lazy to go to IMDB and check the producers for every daytime show I can think of.

  3. Tricia1311:32 PM

    Hayden Christiansen works for this on most levels: he has a production company with his brother Tove and several projects this year/ he pitched a TV series to USA years ago and sued them because Royal Pains came out and it was the same/ he doesn't strike me as an in bed by 10pm kinda guy and the rumors are that he was a rent boy, substance abuser, and rachael his beard.
    I just can't peg the daytime show.

  4. I looked through IMDB and Wiki yesterday and found nothing.

    P.S. Hayden is foreign-born.

  5. Trica136:08 AM

    I knownthat@cary, but I think we know at this point, depending on the day,,it varies as a qualifier.
    Maybe foreign born enty was off today(it is Sunday, afterall)
