Saturday, January 03, 2015

Blind Item #9

This A list talk show host/former actor  always treats his wife like crap, but lately it has been getting worse. He insisted she get paid for her appearance at a party with him but he didn't tell her she was getting paid and pocketed her money too. A check had been made out to her, but he had them change it to his name.


  1. Tricia132:03 AM

    Mario Lopez

  2. In his defense, it was probably made out to "Mario Lopez's Wife", as that's why she was getting kinda paid anyway

  3. tricia133:25 AM

    Hahaha @TTM. But don't forget Hooters waitress oops- I mean"Broadway performer"from her CV

  4. Freya3:33 AM

    Is Steve Harvey still acting?

  5. He's rich, and funny.

  6. Zilla33:16 PM

    You know, I hope Mario's wife has a friend that encourages her to read the blinds. That ass is going to get his and I hope his wife is the one that serves it up to him.
