Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Blind Item #9

This foreign born A- list one hit wonder so far singer is using an alias on Grindr. I can see that, but he is using the photos of someone of another race. What happens is that men meet him expecting one person and end up walking out. The guy is a bit off.


  1. Tricia 133:02 AM

    Sam Smith

  2. sandybrook3:03 AM

    Has Sam Smith had 2 hits yet? :D

  3. back again3:07 AM

    False Advertising

  4. back again3:10 AM

    yeah... the 1st one: "Stay" & the 2nd one: Howard Stern's Comments @ Him

  5. back again3:11 AM

    I got your play on words there too @Sandybrook..cute.

  6. Amanda Maone3:13 AM

    Sam Smith. He's the biggest douche in the world

  7. Sugartits3:38 AM

    he just agreed to pay royalties to tom petty for stay with me for
    ripping off the likeness of won't back down's likeness
    i don't hear it but he caved awfully quick, like in 3 seconds

  8. back again3:43 AM

    listen to the refrain notes of both songs---- not even an innocent denial of ignorance on Sam Smith's part but that could be p.r on the Lawyer's part too.

  9. back again3:44 AM

    *** POOR P.R. on the lawyers' part I meant to type-

  10. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:23 AM

    So the other guys are racist who don't like crackers (allegedly, there are a lot of skin colours the singer can be) as much as he is a liar.

  11. June Gordon5:04 AM

    I'm sorry. If I am on my way to you place expecting some hot hunk with chocolate supermeat only to find a fattie slob with no dick, they I would burn the durn house down. I would NOT be happy you all!!!!

  12. Sbreezy295:06 AM

    Hozier would be a good guess...No second hit yet!

  13. Gangham Style!

  14. Vivienne6:01 AM

    @Sandybrook : Did you ? Not even one. Your life is all about just commenting on a blogspot blog. I bet you think other regular commenters are "friends". There's something so pathetic about you. Only if you had your own blog but no, you're just trolling the comments. Is this the life you dreamt about ?

  15. sandybrook6:18 AM

    Tough shit bitch you dont like what I do here, get the fuck out of here. Go fuck yourself while you're at it too.

  16. Hmm.. interesting.

  17. Christine8:46 PM

    Wtf? Why are people being hostile to other posters? I'm just trying to have down time before bed and read this angry stuff is just not necessary.

  18. Wow. I did not know that Enty is/was a regular on Grindr to get it on with other men and set out to meet this person. :)

    It could be Sam Smith, however was not "Money on your mind" a hit as well?
