Friday, January 02, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #13

August 24, 2014

This A list mostly television actor called it relieving the pressure. I'm not sure his A list mostly movie actress significant other would call it the same thing and it sounds like he is up to his old cheating ways again.

Ashton Kutcher/Mila Kunis


  1. sandybrook4:02 AM

    Asston cheating on his pregnant g\f? Nah this isn't possible Asston would nevah! :))

  2. it took forever4:03 AM

    well well well, she was right there as soon as he called it quits with demi, i am sure she will get whats coming to her, that rat will never change

  3. Tricia134:09 AM

    I'll RelieveI some pressure for him. I'll take his foot outta his ass(and often mouth), and then qtip his ears andwhat's left of his nobrain can ooze on out.
    Just trying TP be of service Asston

  4. alice4:48 AM

    neither of them is A-list, not to me

  5. Erin B5:54 AM

    I hear castration would relieve the pressure too. Just sayin'.

  6. I don't think anyone should be worried about Mila. I think she is going to keep getting those large monthly 'made a baby for Ashton' check no matter who Ashton screws around with. A hunch tells me that she only appears in public with that look of longing for Ashton because his checks don't bounce. Just a hunch.

  7. drunk chick8:36 AM

    Once a cheater always a cheater asston!

  8. I'd be grateful that someone took him off my hands.

  9. Emily8:15 AM

    Ughhhh this guy is the worst!!! I really hoped he'd keep it in his pants for once. Too late now they've already had a baby together. Sucks for Mila!!

  10. Skank Repellent2:42 PM

    Expecting faithfulness from a womanizer? Where’s the logic in that?He’s not going to change.
