Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2- Old Hollywood

September 17, 2014

Easy Easy: Throughout the years after this A++ list actress/sex symbol's death, there have been reports of an amateur stag film made during the very early part of her career. The alleged porno actually began circulating when she was still alive! During an off day, she requested to see this film and one of her PR people snagged a copy. After watching the stag film, she laughed and said that the lady in the film was “too fat” to be her.

Marilyn Monroe


  1. June Gordon1:24 AM

    She must been a real porker cause Marylin was a fattie. Pity they ain't no meth round when she was in movie cause poor gal needed to loose a few. Bless her heart.

  2. You are the cow you trailer trash. If you are as ugly as your pic, you should keep your fat mouth shut. You disgust me.

  3. dammit3:59 AM

    shit i miss this site. And dammit June talk about the kettle...Marilyn was always a beauty and a better speller than you

  4. AppleThief4Elliot5:04 AM

    Y'all feeding a troll.
    And yeah, this one was pointless. No need for it to have been blind, M.M. is long dead, and no reveal necessary, as it was obviously her.

  5. AtlLady5:37 AM

    Never have understood the mass appeal of Marilyn Monroe. To me, she was average at best. Maybe I just don't find blondes attractive. Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor - those were true beauties and contemporaries of Marilyn.

  6. Dudette8:42 AM

    She was one of the most photogenic people on the planet. Popularity in films isn't just looks or talent, you have to have screen presence, which she had in spades.

  7. Pompasaurus11:22 AM

    You and me both! I think she was pretty, but nothing particularly special. I think Taylor and Hepburn were far more beautiful and charismatic as well. And nothing against blondes; I still think Barbara Eden is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen (circa Jeannie- but she still looks good!)

  8. Concerned AngieJ fan12:13 PM

    Leave June alone. She's a hoot.
