Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 4, 2014

This foreign born B list celebrity/actress/model/ is probably still famous for the foreign born A list actor she dated forever. Our celebrity/actress/model was at charity even the other day and told organizers she would bail unless a woman was asked to leave who was wearing the same dress as our celebrity/actress/model. The organizers did it even though they knew they would lose the donation.

Liz Hurley


  1. ScarlettDrawl2:32 AM

    Liz seems like a sad narcissistic person to me.

  2. ScarlettDrawl2:33 AM

    Ps- has anyone seen that craptacular preview for her E show The Royals? It looks so bad. I can't wait!

  3. The 10th Doctor3:38 AM

    Shame on any non-profit that would put some ridiculous celebrity demand before the mission of their organization and lose gifts as s result.

  4. NoWhining4:17 AM

    True, but it could be that her name / being at the event brought in a lot ticket sales to the event. Then it becomes a question of losing one donation or not delivering on a promised appearance (which would hurt their overall reputation) and angering other attendees whose donations may more than make up for the one booted.

    It would have reflected better on Hurley had she gotten over herself and posed with the same dress woman who, I'm sure, would have written an even larger check.

  5. The 10th Doctor6:05 AM

    I work in fundraising, NoWhining, and for me, what the organization did is such a major nono. Events are nice but RARELY yield significant results in cost p/dollar raised vs. face to face donor engagement. The national average cost is .60 for every dollar raised at an event while direct mail, calling, personal visits average .13 per dollar raised. So to lose a donor and other potential donors because they caved to Hurley's ego is beyond dumb to me. She's not known to be particularly philanthropic and her ticket was likely comped so they lost real and possible long-term giving for no reason in my opinion.

  6. It would be better to get a photo with the other person in the same dress and with two big smiles. The designer would be so happy they would send some funds to the charity.

  7. The 0th Doctor8:11 PM

    I agree, H2O. It shows class and a sense of humor. These things happen.
