Saturday, January 31, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 30, 2014

This B list celebrity who was a reality star/host/game show host and so much more was going to get naked in a new Vegas show that was going to make her a few million bucks for a year. Her husband paid her the same amount to not get naked and to not be in the show. He knows that would be the end of them plus he is a jealous guy. Really jealous.

Jenny McCarthy/Donnie Wahlberg


  1. Jonathan Andrew Sheen1:11 AM

    I wonder how he deals with the tens of thousands of guys around the world who regularly fap to his wife's naked pictures from her years and years of Playboy appearances? That must make Donnie feel real secure.

  2. back again1:46 AM

    Good Strategy Jen- You know your man, i'll give you that.....

  3. syvyn113:25 AM

    I'll give it till the fall. Then it's divorce city.

  4. Yep. Markie Mark called this one lol.

  5. June Gordon5:33 AM

    Lena: You can always rely on Marky Mark to spot fellow trash.

  6. Paid his wife what she'd get paid? from him to a marriage?
    Call me old-fashioned but it's their money anyway. Wouldn't that be like moving it from a savings to a checking of the same account? LOL

    Or does Donny have a smidgen of brain and kept his account separate?

  7. Ziggy7:46 AM does Donnie have money? No, seriously. Wouldn't a Vegas show pay at least a few hundred thousand?

  8. Guaranteed the pre-nup states they each keep what they had going into the relationship, and marital assets get divided as they will. So yeah, he had millions, and now she has millions.

  9. nancy3:32 PM

    He is in that show blue bloods and doesn't the family own some hamburger joints?

  10. I agree...I don't think anyone would pay millions for her at least not now.
