Thursday, January 22, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4- Kindness

October 9, 2014

This one is special just because of the effort that went into it. This A+ list singer always visits hospitals and never with cameras. People use their cell phones sometimes, but she never asks for publicity. Recently while in Paris, our singer visited a children's hospital and apparently studied French for two months knowing she was going to do this just so she could talk to the children in their language as much as possible.

Taylor Swift


  1. rocky3:06 AM

    I'm not into her music, but I think it's cool she gives her time.

  2. drewh19793:13 AM

    well done T

  3. Jess Sayin'3:42 AM

    She's actually been studying French for a while; at her private concert on the Seine (2012) she took questions from the audience without benefit of translation, although she wasn't confident enough to reply en français. She also tries to speak it a bit in her Quebec TV appearances.

    Still doesn't make the blind (or Taylor's general genuine interest in sick children) any less awesome, though.

  4. DoctorPS5:30 AM

    I like Taylor more and more. She works hard, she is very talented and smart, she keeps out of trouble, and she seems to embrace a relatively healthy lifestyle (she seems to prefer cooking meals and wining / dining with friends than be in drug / club / party scene). Compared to others, she covers up and seems to act with manners and some decorum. If kids are going to look up to a celebrity, I'd rather it be her as opposed to Gomez or Lohan, Paris, or even Beyoncé. And the very important fact that she seems personable and goes out of her way for others, baki cookies, maki visits, being kind, she seems genuine and to want a positive image in a field that seems to prefer sexed up trash.

  5. Smoke and Mirrors7:02 AM

    She's terrific.

  6. I just don't know about Taylor. The things she does are really great, and yes, she stays out of trouble. There's just something very off about her for me, though. I can't take her seriously and I don't really believe she's genuine. She reminds me of a sociopath, though darned if I can figure out why...

  7. Scallywag12:46 PM

    Nobody is all good or all bad. I do think Taylor's heart is in the right place with her philanthropic tendencies, and I also think she's a bit off, too. Possibly being able to grow up without before being the family wage-earner would have helped that.

  8. Penelope 27:44 PM

    She is pretty level headed and awesome for a girl who found success at such a young age...frankly, she never because the typical selfish celebrity and seems to always care about others. There needs to be more like her.

  9. I feel the same way...

  10. This is cool but does it make up for the fact that she's an Uber beard probably because she herself is a lesbian? When she find her ovaries and calls her BFF her girlfriend then I'll be impressed. But like I none the less.

  11. Malibuborebee10:46 AM

    Meh. Her music sucks, she's a psycho-level control freak and her charitable acts are just that - an act. She doesn't technically bring the cameras but.. magically.... we always find out exactly where she's been and what "good deed" she has performed. The way she poses going into the gym, doesn't exercise while she's in there, changes into a new outfit and then poses on the way out of the gym - that says everything anyone ever needs to know about Taylor Swift.

    You want a singer songwriter chick with talent? Try Joni Mitchell. The songs she was writing at Taylor's age have put Tay-Tay and the rest of those dumb pop-tarts to shame for more than 40 years. Thank god Mitchell refused to let Swifty play her in a movie.
