Saturday, January 17, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 26, 2014

It has been one of the stranger product launches ever. A reporter who has been to two of the new line by this A+ list singer says that the press are handed a press packet which is normal and are allowed to take photos which is normal but are not allowed to ask any questions of the celebrity which is not normal at all and the policy is ruthlessly enforced by removing press who do try to ask questions.

Britney Spears


  1. Jonathan Andrew Sheen1:39 AM

    I do not understand why the press goes along with this sort of thing. Why on earth wasn't the headline on ever entertainment paper something like:

    Britney Unable To Answer Press Questions.
    Is She Even Aware of What She's Doing?
    How Much Money is she Making and for Whom?

    The poor woman is being trafficked as ruthlessly as any kidnapped Eastern European sex worker, and the press just carries water for the people exploiting her.

  2. it took forever8:02 AM

    leave britney aloooooooooone

  3. The 10th Doctor1:00 AM

    I think they go along because they are hoping to have access to the next neltdown and I'm sure one or two mixed in are hoping maybe they get the big story of all the dealings going on around her.
