Friday, January 23, 2015

Four For Friday - Old Hollywood

And yet another end of the week has been reached. I found it to be a really long week as some meds I was taking forced me to not drink for two of the days. Definitely made the nights a lot more challenging to get through. The good news is that I should be back to drinking full speed really soon. If you are lonely this weekend, I will be here blogging away and hope you will stop by. The SAG Awards are this weekend. This is the award show where they do their best to make sure every working actor gets to take home some type of participation trophy. It is like the end of the year soccer banquet. Instead of the six inch trophy, you get a free meal and to walk a red carpet as part of a show or movie even if you are not personally nominated. If you would like to follow me on Twitter, I am @entylawyer

She was almost A-list for most of her all-too-brief movie career, but this beautiful actress achieved her greatest fame long after she retired from showbiz, after some movies she made overseas were rediscovered by critics and film buffs and declared some of the greatest of all time. This incident happened before she decided to step in front of a movie camera. She started out as a legitimate dancer then she landed a spot in two of the biggest revues on Broadway as a scantily dressed showgirl. Between shows, she earned extra money on the side prostituting herself to wealthy men. One of those wealthy men was an A++ list actor/comedian/jack of all trades, possibly the biggest actor in movies at that time.


  1. Tricia 132:13 AM

    Josphephine Baker/ Bob Hope

  2. sandybrook2:17 AM

    Charlie Chaplin and Virginia Cherril who later was married to Cary Grant?

  3. Tricia, I think you got it!

  4. Priscila2:24 AM

    Louise Brooks

  5. Where are the four?

  6. AndrewBW2:29 AM

    @Tricia, I like the Josephine Baker guess, but I don't know about Bob Hope. I wouldn't say he was ever the biggest actor in movies at any time. But I like Sandy's guess of Charlie Chaplin, who really was just about the biggest actor of his time and a genuine jack of all trades.

    Josephine Baker/Charlie Chaplin

  7. sandybrook2:37 AM

    I like Andrews combo better than mine

  8. First Timer3:01 AM

    having a heck of a time trying to post on this site.

    I'm quite sure this is Louise Brooks & Charlie Chaplin. Brooks was starting to gain fame in Hollywood during the silent era, but rankled the studios, so left to make films in Europe (TCM will run them occasionally). In her later years, William Paley (of CBS) was her "benefactor.

  9. ettacettera3:50 AM

    Definitely louise curious and read the imdb trivia on her..interesting woman. Because of timing, guy would have to be someone like Chaplin or buster keaton..but evidently she fooled around a lot..but said wm collier was only actor she loved

  10. mystic chic4:08 AM

    Definitely Louise Brooks. Performed in a modern dance company (legit) then went to the follies where she met/loved wc fields. Yes. She liked brainy men and he was. Pabst made Pandora ' s Box which was critically acclaimed. She hit the skids with her attitude and drinking.

  11. back again4:15 AM

    Welcome First Timer!!! great guess.. & ME TOO- I don't even try to quickly post my guesses anymore b/c I simply can not-each BI takes 5 min to come up & I have to re-sign in every.single.time.--too bad cuz I like the site & the posters but TTL, have fun on the site though ; )

  12. AndrewBW5:53 AM

    Weissman claims that [Chaplin's mother] contracted syphilis - a disease not readily curable in the late 19th century - and that it triggered a harrowing descent into madness, witnessed by the young Chaplin who would never be able to forget it.

    According to one of his mistresses, silent film star Louise Brooks, it left him so scarred he would never have sex without first painting the appropriate part of his body with iodine to try to prevent any possible infection.

    Daily Mail

    He was always off chasing fresher meat, painting his private parts with iodine to ward off the clap. Louise Brooks was terrified to see his ‘bright red erection’ coming at her in the dark.


  13. Yeah I forgot she had a brief fling with Chaplin but I think his quirks were too much. I think she mentioned somewhere that he was paranoid about VD and put iodine all over his man parts. I think she laughed at this and he didn't exactly appreciate her response. She was probably too old and independent for his tastes. He liked his ladies young.
