Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Blind Item #1

This former A+ list singer turned way too young to be doing her Rod Stewart impression A- lister ordered her security to do a better job of keeping fans away from her. So, now they carry mini batons which they conceal in their hands and if a fan's hand comes reaching for the singer they use the mini baton to swat away the hand. She really loves her fans doesn't she?


  1. sandybrook10:32 PM

    Gaga lets dogs fuck her?

  2. Tricia1310:33 PM

    None of us guessed him and BOOM there he was in pix.

  3. Gaga is a hypocrite. She has all those fans of hers brainwashed. Can't understand what Taylor Kinney sees in her. She seems like a wack job.

  4. Erin B11:11 PM

    Is fucking dogs her Rod Stewart impression? I missed something. She must have something on Taylor Kinney or they must have an arrangement to keep him around.

  5. sandybrook11:17 PM

    Apparently Rod Stewart is the answer to a BI yesterday about a former A+ rock star who said he did that.

  6. Tricia1311:20 PM

    I think enty was referring to her performing old standard songs(with Tony), like Rodbstewart started doing when his career stalled(but he was much older then she is now), when he did it

  7. Erin B11:21 PM

    Whoa. I missed that one. Ugh. I knew a girl in college who married a guy who fucked a sheep as part of a fraternity initiation. I don't think I could get past that. The act would bother me, but I think him hurting that poor sheep might bother me more.

  8. selenakyle11:40 PM

    Umm, fuck her security. They're assaulting people if this is true. If fans actually touch or grab her, that's one thing (also could be assault).

    But just reaching to do it is no reason for assault. Those batons can hurt like hell.

  9. Beastiality is common in Hollywood, folks.
    Many have to do stuff to prove loyalty.
    And all the pedo rings and Satanic crap use it, too.

    It is a vile world, especially if you crave fame...

  10. This blind was probably created after India Arie complained about being swatted away by Gaga's security.

  11. macaroniandcheese3:02 AM

    Gaga doing her standards, which is the alluded to Stewart impression.

    Fans should respect her space, of course, but having people assault the fans she has left is not a good move for Gags. Disappearing up her own ass with Artpop cost her an enormous chunk of her base.

  12. Player5:22 AM

    One thing she must not fear touching her is the beauty stick. It never did and never will.

  13. Tricia135:29 AM

    ^ you win the internet@ Player!
    +Betty on BIreveal about pitbull!(#1 I think)

  14. Malibuborebee7:28 AM

    Oh for fuck's sake.


  15. Lady Gaga security hit Indie.Arie on the red carpet for touching her!

