Thursday, February 19, 2015

Blind Item #3

I didn't think I could dislike this guy any more than I did, but I was wrong. This still married A list celebrity/host/former actor was with some women at a club. This was in a club. Not a hotel room or home, but in a club and threw some money down on the ground and told the women it was theirs for the taking if they opened a champagne bottle inside their va jay jay. One of the women did it and then our A lister made her crawl over to him to get the money on the floor.


  1. sandybrook11:01 PM

    Mario Hopez

  2. Tricia1311:01 PM

    Nick Cannon

  3. Both good guesses, both pigs.

  4. drunk chick11:04 PM

    Mario Lopez

  5. drunk chick11:04 PM

    Brin, so true.

  6. Tricia1311:07 PM

    The clue was "still married" I think, which Nick still technically is but in midst of divorce

  7. Ginger Haired Pig Balls11:11 PM

    Nick Cannon, A list by association with Mariah. Lopez is a tabloid tv host, no way he's A list

  8. Ginger Haired Pig Balls11:15 PM

    plus Nick Cannon gets off on humiliating people. Remember when he dressed in white face and called himself "Connor Smallnut"? If a white person had done that and called themselves a demeaning stereotypical name there would have been an uproar.

  9. Hawk fan11:29 PM

    maybe I'm daft but I can't envision the mechanics of how one opens a champ bottle inside their vadge Like "pop the cork" open? We need a meme for that.

  10. Ginger Haired Pig Balls11:32 PM

    there used to be a poster here called skimpymist who bragged about opening beer bottles that way.

  11. ettacettera11:33 PM

    It's one thing to be the disgusting piece of #@=+ that would do this, but it takes a woman with tragically low self-esteem to actually go along with it..lots of sad here.

  12. Plump Nic11:36 PM

    Etc, strong money game? I actually believe some of the girls who do this take pride in themselves especially when celebs are involved and when there is enough dough

  13. Britney12:02 AM

    How in the world does one open a champagne bottle INSIDE her va-jay-jay? Wouldn't the cork seriously HURT!?

  14. Squeege1:40 AM

    I don't think it has anything to do with self esteem. He didn't "make" her do it, she chose to. Silly foolish woman

  15. It has everything to do with self esteem, in that she has none.
    Any woman worth her salt would not demean herself this way, no matter what pigs request.

  16. El oh El2:29 AM

    That is seriously funny though. Is it wrong to laugh?

  17. Enroar2:40 AM

    Jimmy Fallon

  18. Planet J3:15 AM

    I took it as someone shaking the bottle,popping the cork and..uhh..letting it plash in?
    Sounds like ole girl was desperate for attention or money..more than likely both. ew.

  19. Squeege4:58 AM

    I'm not so sure. People who supposedly have low self-confidence are frequently the most highly strung egomaniacs - just my experience. Other people are just exhibitionists pure and simple, and they do crazy things for a "laugh". What I don't get is why her friends didn't stop her. Having once seen a champagne cork take a chunk out of my celing there's no way I let an unopened bottle near my bits or anyone else's.

  20. selenakyle6:52 AM

    I assumed it meant letting it splash up inside. And lemme tell y'all, you DO NOT want champers anywhere NEAR your nether regions. It hurts. Bad. (Don't try a champagne-bathtub, kids).

  21. David_theMan1:28 PM

    Dont understand why you would hate the man for this.
    Sounds like everyone involved were having a good time and getting what they wanted.
    I would pay money to see a chick do that, you know the sex is going to be great.
