Sunday, February 22, 2015

Blind Item #3

This B- list really attractive franchise actress from the franchise that is approaching ten parts was talking about a family member the other night. She says that the family member's celebrity husband has no idea that the family member used to sleep with this waste of space guy married to a B+ list mostly movie actress with no talent who has A+ list name recognition. The waste of space guy was the best friend of the celebrity husband.


  1. Derek Harvey1:33 AM

    Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise for the 2nd part

  2. Derek Harvey1:34 AM

    Scratch that makes no sense--Wish I could erase bad guesses!

  3. slim shady1:36 AM

    jordan brewster/Isabella Brewster/Baron Davis

  4. slim shady1:38 AM

    Cash Warren/Jessica Alba

  5. Tricia131:57 AM

    Great job@ slim! I'm in and out( oscar prep pin' ) but u nailed it!

  6. slim shady2:00 AM

    thx @Tricia :)

  7. Derek Harvey2:05 AM

    Jesus Tricia I am beginning to see why people troll you. You are not the master of CDAN. How pretentious.

  8. sandybrook2:14 AM

    Changing up here-- Melisssa McCarthy\Jenny McCarthy\Donnie Wahlberg\Megan Fox\BAG

  9. pRiNcEsChOwMaIn2:43 AM

    lets start calling her KANYE

  10. Ginger Haired Pig Balls3:36 AM

    we troll her because she lies constantly about knowing people in "the biz"
    Now she's trying to make herself the CDAN queen since everyone else has left. Hopes she can fool some of the noobs. Interesting to see racharound (RA) pop up the other day. Guess she got tired of playing Bee Havin on Anarchy.

  11. TiniMartini4:02 AM

    The Arquettes...for half the answer.

  12. captain dbag alert5:25 AM

    Bwaaahhhh. Derek be talking to him self again under multi commentators spineless turd! Such a douche!u really think nobody notices sincee ure DramaQueen ass back(real shock!) So did Trisha trolls?who don't lie about shit just cuz she knows people and going on reveals, gets the blinds right . u must hate your own life dude.

    Dude what a joke lol.and u the only one who was obssessednwith Rach /Beehavin , also u used the word noobs all the time. Yeah- i still on other site- the one u used to bash CDAN on-that one!-u seem to be givin':ureself naway real quick son lol. Don't- pls u might deprive us of one of your epic psychotic breaks! But where to go then? Ure blog invites be shriveling up fool lol.

  13. Ginger Haired Pig Balls6:04 AM

    sit on your balls again Rosie? At least I;m not forced to lurk every blog without commenting because everbody hates me.

  14. Derek Harvey6:12 AM

    Hey Rosie! Translate that into English for me will ya love...

  15. Captain dbag alert6:19 AM

    Nice try wit da 8 minute lapse in comments!! Nice touch lololol

  16. Derito Harvey7:23 AM

    Oooooh yeah been waitin fer Derrrrrick da dick to cum back and make an ol ass of herself..lololololololo. Tryin to front and say shit bout peeps cuz he mad he not born a girl lolol lol. Typin under ginger balls/ princess and who else..oh yeah derek harvey !! Lolol...u sooo realz
    # fraudfuck

  17. I like Derek. He has never struck me as anyone who uses aliases. However, you do. You remind me alot of "June," who I otherwise find oddly charming. Leave Derek alone.

  18. Captain dbag alert7:59 AM

    That's funny...I'm "rar-ing" wit laughter. He just answered to a diff screenName ( ginger haired pig balls)to a"Rosie" person by using first person when she called him out as derek lololololololo. Then types 8 minutes later as "Derek"....
    Wow- u miss school---like- erryday?

  19. it took forever9:05 AM

    ahhh good old derek never dissapoints. He brings chaos wherever he goes

  20. Ginger Haired Pig Balls10:27 AM

    you spelled disappoints wrong DOCTOR. jeez, what a bunch of bullshittin' losers hanging out here now. For anyone that doesn't know, itf made a point of telling everyone she was a DOCTOR! when her stupid ass first showed up here.

  21. Ginger Haired Pig Balls10:31 AM

    Rosie the bull dyke is now using two alts in the same post. Easy fatty you're gonna have a fart attack. Why don't you swing by Home Depot and cruise for some other cow sized women?

  22. Captain dbag alert10:39 AM

    Derek. Why waste ure energy when you could be lookin in the mirror or moisturizing.
    Ure Game up Brau.
    U answered to this screenName earlier GINGER haired pig balls !! ^ earlier. Erryone saw . U tried to cover 8min later lololololololo. But ees ok u prolly had a d___ in ure mouth.

  23. Derek Harvey12:47 PM

    Thank you @rar----to be honest I am Princess Chowmein. *shrugs* but that was the only time and last time. Patricia Arqutes speech was prettty rad ---cant wait to see where Hannah Horvawth moves---Like I said I did post under Princess Chowmein---she is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO annoying

  24. Captain dbag1:35 PM

    U been caught punk . Don't lie bout frequency and all the names. Wanna copy / paste session prick??? 3/4,just THIS week as princess chi
    Chow win , u wanna get into mean ginger balls/ aka no balls. How bout Athena u fuckin pussy. Sucks to be mediocre . I thought gays we're fab.lololololololo. U missed dat gene. U just suk real good

  25. Captain dbag Alert1:39 PM

    Who annoying dawg? The woman you'll never be lololololololo.
    Shiit. Or the tranny u just blew???

  26. Hater2:24 PM

    And the answer to the blind is......

  27. PoppyBlackOfLondon6:45 PM

    Don't listen to the haters, Tricia13 . I love your guesses.

  28. tricia139:03 PM

    Hey@ poppyblack! Thanks:) yeah- i learned a long time ago its not worth it. Besides, they are their own worst enemies and usually do themselves in(as witnessed on this thread. )Yikes!!!

  29. Ten parts? Huh?

  30. Ginger Haired Pig Balls5:12 AM

    captain dbag is TRICIA'S alt, not Rosie.
