Saturday, February 21, 2015

Blind Item #5

This B list celebrity with the unique look who seemingly travels the world dancing, maybe, but definitely showing off her look started talking to this B+ list model with a very good month. The celebrity was talking to the model about the model's celebrity boyfriend. It seems that the B list celebrity used to have sex with the model's boyfriend and wanted her to know the behaviors she had corrected and some things they could do to improve their sex life.


  1. Tricia133:46 AM

    Dita Von teese and

  2. Derek Harvey3:47 AM

    the model on Sports Illustrated and Jeter

  3. Tricia133:49 AM

    Yep hannah davis/ dita

  4. Wendy4:14 AM

    Did she mention that he gave her the herp like he did everyoneeee else?

  5. Tricia134:51 AM

    Ha @ Wendy. Was gonna add I hope Ms DVT taught her the importance of condoms:(

  6. James Johnwill10:22 PM

    Did Dita get a gift basket and an autographed ball, too? Or just the cold sores...
