Friday, February 20, 2015

Blind Item #6

Let me see if I can keep up with all of this. B list mostly television actress who is only that high because she is on a hit network show that is ending. Oh, she also does some hosting. She is married. She has phone sex with her celebrity ex who would be castrated if his A list celebrity girlfriend discovered it. Oh, and our B list actress/host is also sleeping with the guy who got her the job she is about to get full-time. Now, about that husband of hers?


  1. Tricia1312:01 AM

    Naya Rivera/ big sean

  2. Tricia1312:02 AM

    And Ariana grande

  3. Tricia1312:03 AM

    Ugh she's getting The View gig?!

  4. Does anyone still watch?

  5. Tricia1312:23 AM

    Very fair point Brin!

  6. greengrl12:27 AM

    This should have been titled easy easy or Mr. X

    I haven't watched the view in years, Hasselbeck completely turned me off.

  7. Whywhywhy?1:39 AM

    I can't imagine who the view audience is all. I watched once or twice in their beginning because thought smart marketing of herself a la Walters... never a fan and hosts seem to get worse as why would I care about these hosts opinion on any topic. They must have a huge base though, still on tv.

  8. I'm convinced only harpy women with no jobs watch this show.
    I know no one who does.
    They yell too much when I saw it one day off....ick, not pleasant at all. Not entertainment, but catty and negative.

  9. Insomniamama2:29 AM

    Not sure if it all adds up, but for some reason Kaley cuccuo (sp?), henry cavill and Gina Carano jump out at me for this

  10. Insomniamama2:36 AM

    Never mind. In no universe is Gina Carano a list

  11. Planet J3:51 AM

    If it is Naya Rivera/ Big Sean/Ariana Grande..I would find that quite funny,considering he just released another diss song, "allegedly" about Naya,today...and Ari is singing on the track too.

  12. SallyFM8:13 AM

    The only people I know who watch it are people who are sitting in a room for the purpose of receiving chemo. And it's locked on with no possibility of changing the channel. As if things aren't bad enough!
