Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Blind Item #6

This former A list singer who is struggling to stay relevant as a solo performer thinks she is getting away with using drugs while her husband is at work and that he somehow doesn't know what's going on. He knows. He just doesn't know what to do about it except not leave their child home alone with her during the day.


  1. Tricia1312:01 AM

    Fergie/ josh:(

  2. Erin B12:05 AM

    How about getting her to rehab or an intervention or something. C'mon Josh!

  3. slim shady12:06 AM

    she should get some help...poor kid :(

  4. Yep, sad.

  5. MyAnna1:21 AM

    Looks like Josh is filming a tv show, so it would fit.

  6. You can't force adults, but honestly....Josh had to know. There are signs before they married and I can't believe he's this dense.
    He chose her (much to our consternation)....now he's practically a single dad.

  7. Whywhywhy?2:10 AM

    Powerful demons. They never struck me as a great loving couple and was surprised when they had the baby. Poor little kid. Sounds like at least NOT another Bobbi Kristina or Lindsay Lohan in the making so that's good. He sounds sober.

  8. Whywhywhy?2:13 AM

    I guess my demons are so vicious as they are gripping since I battle sugar and potato chips I swear there ought to be a 12 step for people who want to eat clean but really have a tough time after five hours. If only I could see the Wizard...I'm grateful for missing that kind of addiction gene and coping behavior.

  9. Planet J3:08 AM

    That was my guess too..so sad.

  10. Stephie12:53 PM

    Very sad! But I think he is somewhat benefiting from it as well. She gets high, and it allows him to cheat on her without feeling guilty. He cheats on her, and she uses drugs to cover up all of the pain. Vicious cycle.
