Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Blind Item #7

This fading quickly model turned B- list mostly television actress on a show that no one watches on an almost network is out every night partying and leaving her kid(s) with nannies and her husband out with his girlfriends. Great marriage.


  1. Tricia1312:32 AM

    Jaime King/Heart if Dixie

  2. Indigo12:33 AM

    Agreed. Jaime King was just seen partying with Taylor Swift after the Grammy awards.

  3. Tricia1312:37 AM

    Thx Indigo!

  4. Kno Won Uno12:40 AM

    + 1 Jaime King - she's Taylor Swifts "BFF" this week. I can't keep up with teh rotation of BFFs. I assume T Swift thought she was looking a bit same sex-y for a little while and is currently rotating men & women with children through the BFF chute.

  5. Tricia1312:42 AM

    That's a workable theory fo sho@Kno

  6. Kno Won Uno12:50 AM

    When I saw the jaime king/t swift pics I thought "What?!" - then I realized I think that ~once a week about Tay-tay's "BFF"s. She had a wild (for her) summer, didn't she? Models & vacations, blah blah, blah..followed by some fake hookups with men & a merry go round of already-paired female friends. I get the impression that she dropped a couple of people when they got too close to Cara D or Kendull. Wrong image & whatnot. I think "I'm Young, Let's Raise Hell!" is a great image, but I'm not her demographic.

  7. Aaahh, @Kno, you made me feel positively nostalgic. I remember when I WAS young and I DID raise hell!

  8. Sarah1:52 AM

    If her husband is out with other women I'm inclined to feel for her a bit, that could explain her need to blow off steam.
    As a mom I don't think it's right to leave your kids a lot, but Hollywood is anotger planet, nannies are the norm and it would skew perception.
