Friday, February 27, 2015

Blind Item #9- Kindness

So, there was this actress. B list. Hit almost television show. Used to be on a hit network show. Our actress has a new hair color. Makes her look much different. Two tables away at lunch from a group of four women in town for a convention. They are talking about celebrities they want to see and go through a list but all get excited when they mention the name of our actress. There is no way they can see her. Our actress arranges to have their bill paid and on the back of their bill signs her name and something about how they made her day better. The waiter couldn't see the whole thing.


  1. sandybrook3:02 AM

    Kate Mara?

  2. Tricia133:07 AM

    Megan Mullaly

  3. Tricia133:08 AM

    Nope- Laura Prepon

  4. cebii4:08 AM

    Prepon's hair is black and has been for a couple of years. That wouldn't stop anyone from recognizing her now.

  5. Antoinette6:12 AM

    What is "almost network" besides CW? Not sure definitions / categories.

  6. Tricia136:20 AM

    Niya@ Antoinette- this is"almost TV" which is aka/ Netfix in Enty's dictionary lol.
    "Almost newtork" is The CW only inthink(maybe others)

  7. Antoinette6:24 AM

    Gillian Anderson?

  8. Sarah6:27 AM

    I agree. Saw a pic of her recently with very blonde hair and almost didn't recognize her. She was known for her ginger.

  9. Tricia136:30 AM

    Hannibal is on NBC I believe...

  10. Number 127:34 AM

    Eliza Dushku

  11. rocky7:40 AM

    Whoever it was...way cool.

    Say whatever you want about Prepon.....girl has a fantastic complexion.

  12. Jess Sayin'8:18 AM

    Yeah, but far more people remember her as a redhead (That 70s Show) and then a blonde (October Ridge/Are You There, Chelsea?) than have ever seen OINTB, which, after all, you have to seek out.

  13. TDock8:06 PM

    Lisa Kudrow?

  14. Gigi Young3:33 PM

    Sarah Michelle Gellar?

  15. It's Gillian Anderson. Almost network show is The Fall. Past network hit is The X-Files. These women were in town for a convention, which means they're probably sci-fi nerds and big X-Files fans. Plus, Anderson has recently gone very blonde and looks really different as a result:

  16. What a pluresae to find someone who thinks through the issues

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